Washington Post Editorial Writer Charles Lane Argues U.S. Supreme Court Needs to Hear the “Faithless Elector” Cases

Washington Post editorial writer Charles Lane here writes that it is vital that the U.S. Supreme Court hear one or both of the “faithless elector” cases. He says the matter of whether presidential electors are free to vote for anyone who meets the constitutional qualifications must be settled.


Washington Post Editorial Writer Charles Lane Argues U.S. Supreme Court Needs to Hear the “Faithless Elector” Cases — 11 Comments

  1. Abolish the SUPER-timebomb EC

    1860 went off >>> 750,000 DEAD in 1861-1866.

    Possible or NOT to learn ANY political/math thing in the USA ANY more [due to worse and worse MORONS]

    — or just have killers FORCE by all sides ???

    — as in cases of getting many new Roman Emperors or as in the new 1066 DARK AGE regime in England.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  2. How many zillion dollar BRIBES and DEATH threats if 12 amdt Prez Electors can be faithless

    – with their EVIL contempt for the voters ???

  3. Simple solution: Single Presidential Elector districts and put the names of the individual electors on the ballots.

  4. Simple ANTI-Democracy gerrymander math —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander districts = 1/4 or less CONTROL.

    Much worse before 1964 SCOTUS gerrymander cases.

    Major factor in city riots in 1960s.

    BASIC PR math

    Party Members = Total Members x Party Votes / Total Votes

    = Party Votes x Total Members / Total Votes.

    Total Votes / Total Members = RATIO – Votes to elect each Member.

    Much too difficult for ALL of the many math MORON lawyers and judges (esp SCOTUS HACKS) since 1964 to understand in their 1 or less math IQ so-called brains.

    RETARD fixation for OLDE superstition stuff —

    divine right of kings, flat earth, gerrymander AREAS, etc etc etc.

    By James Ogle for President campaign

    The Libertarian One 2020

    Sign up for free, the national coast to coast pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College.

    We want all voters to pick whomever they wish for Electoral College and President and Vice President under limited voting where your name may be one.

    Choose free signup on paper ballot or the free digital method.

  6. I am not a big fan of the Electoral College to begin with, but (since it is probably not going anywhere) I’d like to see something like Instant Runoff Voting used in awarding EC votes.

  7. Ogle is a liar also. He claims Sergey Brin created the Google name after discovering joogle in October 1997, but, in fact, the domain name for Google was registered in September 1997.

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