
Link to Kentucky Gubernatorial Election Results — 18 Comments

  1. One more minority rule HACK – exec tyrant.

    NONPARTISAN AppV for ALL exec/judic offices – pending Condorcet.

  2. That 2% for Hicks did the trick. In the absence of ranked choice voting, this could be how a lot of states turn out in 2020.

  3. Don’t assume that those 2% Libertarian votes would have gone to the GOP

    Those people may not have voted at all.

    And the Libertarians are saying they are very happy that Bevins lost

    There was some research on a VA Governors race where Libertarian voters were asked who they would have voted for if the Lib wasn’t in the race and the majority of them said ‘no one’ and some said the DEM and very few the GOP candidate.

  4. Really like the “delicious tears” thing and the general tone of the LPKY release.

    Spoil hard and spoil often!

  5. @ ChrisC: Good point. It’s possible that even with ranked choice voting, many Libertarians might simply choose not to cast any transfer votes at all as reproach to both major parties.

  6. LP — NOOOOO lesser of 2 EVIL communist/fascist CONTROL FREAK STATISTS – since 1970 — after statists LBJ and Nixon.

    How extreme will the RED donkey communist Prez candidate be in 2020 ???

    Worse than Lenin / Stalin / Mao / Castro / etc. — ie TOTAL EVIL DECEIT ???

  7. I fully support ranked choice voting. it may or may not made a difference here.

    Some libertarians are basically paleoconservatives.

  8. paleo — some sort of pre-history stuff ???

    Like the ANTI-Democracy gerrymander oligarchs in the USA.

    1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 CONTROL — the laws.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  9. demo rep please just stop spouting your nonsense

    time you were banned from posting your irrelavant claptrap

  10. Libertarian canddidates for Auditor of Public Accounts and Commissioner of Agriculture each received more votes than the LP candidate for Governor, and Republican candidates in both races won by decisive margins:
    Auditor: Mike Harmon (REP) 779,327 55.65%
    Sheri Donohue (DEM) 574,561 41.03%
    Kyle Hugenberg(LIB) 46,549 3.32%

    Comm. Agriculture:Ryan F Quarles (REP) 820,971 58.21%
    Robert H Conway(DEM) 544,872 38.63%
    Josh Gilpin (LIB) 44,584 3.16%

    Apparently many Kentucky voters voted Republican except in the race for Governor. The last minute push by Trump on behalf of Matt Bevin may have led to Bevin’s defeat. Or maybe Bevin was just that unpopular, after people had 4 years experience with him.

    Other than the race for Governor, Tuesday was a big victory for Kentucky Republicans, who won every other statewide race, electing the first Republican Attoryney-General since 1949. And Kentucky Libertarians offered a real alternative for people tired of bipartisan statism.

  11. The several pre-skoool juveniles subtract attention from BAN and should ALL be banned – until at least each becomes an adult with SOME mental attention to ALL the election ROT in the USA

    [very rashly assuming each is NOT a foreign ENEMY agent from Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea, etc.] —

    1. UN-equal ballot access laws
    2. Plurality nominations and elections
    3. ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander systems – 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 CONTROL
    4. At large legis systems- denying 49.9 pct minorities any REAL representation
    5. Partisan hack legis/judic officers
    6. All sorts of FATAL violations of Separation of Powers
    EQUAL ballot access laws

  12. Andy Beshear was the son of popular governor Steve Beshear who had been term-limited. When Steve Beshear was elected in 2007, the incumbent Republican had refused a referendum on casino gambling, saying that the gubernatorial election itself was that referendum. Gambling won in 2007, but casino gambling still has not come to Kentucky. Andy Beshear ran on promoting casino gambling to shore up the state pension system. Andy Beshear is also the current AG.

    Matt Bevin lost a senate primary to Mitch McConnell in 2014. Surely, there are those who remember a challenge a 5-term senator who was about to become majority leader. Bevin was also noted for home-schooling his children while governor. Both would peel off Republican votes.

    Kentucky holds its executive elections separate from its legislative elections and federal elections which makes it a unique opportunity to vote for individual executive offices.

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