
Libertarian Party Identifies Twenty-One Election Wins — 17 Comments

  1. I heard that multiple Libertarian Party members just got elected to local offices in Pennsylvania, so the figure above might be higher than 21.

  2. We had at least 24 wins in Pennsylvania. That number will climb higher once the write-in votes are tallied.

  3. DemoRep, no Congressional seats are up. If you left your mom’s basement, you would know that.

    Some states did have state rep and governor seats up… did the LP win any of those?

  4. ANY special elections for USA Reps ???

    So nice to have pre-SKOOOOL know-it-alls on this list.

  5. For those who don’t know, most “elected Libertarians” are elected in non-partisan elections, that is, in elections where there are NO PARTY LABELS on the ballot.

    A much more important metric is this: How many “elected Libertarians” were elected in partisan elections in the recent election?

  6. Good point, Don. There ought to be separate categories for Libertarian Party members elected to non-partisan offices, and Libertarian Party members elected to partisan offices. Getting elected to a partisan office is generally a bigger accomplishment than getting elected to a non-partisan office.

  7. Going way baaaack to 1970 —

    Where the LP was on the ballots —

    How many LP candidates elected to ANY of the POWER offices —

    USA Congress ???
    State legis ???

    IE – just clubby anarchists [at clubby LP national conventions / vacations] hoping the Elephants become a very small bit more *libertarian* ???

    Sorry – 99 plus pct failure.

    Elephants now about 90 plus pct FASCIST – esp with wannabee LAWLESS TYRANT Trump.

    See earlier Mussolini and Hitler and Franco killers/MONSTERS.

    Thus the many NON-Votes coming for Trump and the RED donkey wannabee LAWLESS TYRANT in 2020 from *libertarians*.

  8. As an update to this story, the LP page is updating continuously, and, as of now, is showing 51 wins.

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