More Kentucky Libertarian Election Returns from November 5, 2019

The Kentucky State Board of Elections has unofficial vote totals on its web page for the November 5, 2019 election. The Libertarian Party’s nominees for Auditor and Agriculture Commissioner each got somewhat more than 3%. Both major parties had nominees for each of those offices. The vote totals for the Libertarians for these lesser offices were: Agriculture Commissioner, Josh Gilpin, 44,584; Auditor, Kyle Hugenberg, 46,549.

As already reported, the party’s nominees for Governor and Lieutenant Governor (who run as a team) got 28,425 votes, 1.97%.


More Kentucky Libertarian Election Returns from November 5, 2019 — 6 Comments

  1. Is their a political party threshold in Kentucky? I.e. if the party gets “x” percentage of the popular vote, the party is recognized and entitled to have its candidates listed on the ballot?

  2. Well, then the kentucky Libertarians did fairly well. i wouldnt have vote for them, but the results suggest that they ran a well organized campaign.

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