Democratic Party Activists Sue Minnesota Over Ballot Order

On November 27, persons associated with the Democratic Party sued Minnesota over its law on the order of candidates on the general election in partisan races. That law, unique in the nation, says the nominees of the qualified parties should be listed first on the ballot, in reverse order of how many votes they received in the previous general election for all partisan office. Here is the Complaint, in Pavek v Simon, 0:19cv-3000.

Under the existing law, the nominees of the Legal Marijuana Now Party will be listed first on the November 2020 ballot, because it polled the fewest votes of the four ballot-qualified parties. Next will be the Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party; then the Republican Party; and finally the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Under their nominees will be the nominees of the unqualified parties, and any independent candidates. The case is assigned to U.S. District Magistrate David T. Schultz, a Trump appointee. Thanks to Rick Hasen for this news.


Democratic Party Activists Sue Minnesota Over Ballot Order — 6 Comments

  1. How many items on the RED Donkey communist monarch/oligarch election CONTROL agenda ???

    Wipe out leftwing minor parties [as in NY scheme] BUT have more rightwing minor parties — to divide and conquer the Elephants.

    More RED Donkey Communist boss control of Donkey nominees.

    More RED Donkey Communist boss control of gerrymander process.

    More RED Donkey Communist boss control of ballot forms.

    Objective — TOTAL RED Donkey Communist boss control of everybody and everything in the USA/world.

    Think Lenin/Stalin/Mao times 10,000 at least.

  2. Im not sure how a different, randomized order setup would be better then the current one.

  3. Interesting concept. I’m surprised that the legislature passed it. It seems counter-intuitive to what I would expect from a partisan legislature.

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