If New York Proposal to Change Definition of Political Party Had Been in Effect in 2018, Twelve Legislative Districts that Actually Offered a Choice of Candidates Would Have Been One-Candidate Elections

If the proposal of the New York Campaign Finance Commission had been in effect in 2018, the only ballot-qualified parties would have been Democratic, Republican, and Conservative.

In that case, there are twelve legislative elections from 2018 that actually had a choice of candidates, but would have been one-candidate elections with the proposal in place. For the State Senate, they would have been these districts: 13, 16, 20, and 62. For Assembly, they would have been: districts 39, 40, 61, 62, 63, 76, 114, and 139.


If New York Proposal to Change Definition of Political Party Had Been in Effect in 2018, Twelve Legislative Districts that Actually Offered a Choice of Candidates Would Have Been One-Candidate Elections — 3 Comments

  1. NOOOO chance for minorities in 85 plus pct of rigged gerrymander districts.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  2. SD-13 and SD-20 were rematches of quite competitive Democratic primaries where IDC incumbents were defeated, and then ran as Independence in the general and were handily beaten. They might have won under Top 2 where they could appeal to all voters.

    Incidentally, you missed SD-17.

    Most of the AD were really lopsided. 80:20 would be a nailbiter relatively speaking. The Libertarian candidate in AD-139 was a petition candidate.

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