New York Times Story on U.S. Supreme Court Agreeing to Hear Delaware Case over Exclusion from Independents as Judges

The New York Times has this story about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on December 6 to hear Carney v Adams, the case over whether Delaware state court judges can be confined to registered Republicans and Democrats. It is astounding that the state claims that its policy is “balanced”, when over 20% of all registered voters are barred from consideration. Thanks to Ron Paulinski for the link.


New York Times Story on U.S. Supreme Court Agreeing to Hear Delaware Case over Exclusion from Independents as Judges — 2 Comments

  1. How many NYT stories about the ANTI-Democracy stuff in the USA —

    1. UNEQUAL ballot access laws

    2. MINORITY rule gerrymanders

    3. partisan HACK exec/judic officers

    4. FATAL violations of Separation of Powers.

    Same for Washington Post, CNN, Time mag, etc etc etc.

    De facto USELESS establishment media about life/death basic stuff ??? Duh.

    Nonstop media mania for latest political hack winners/losers — brain dead sports *mentality* —

    just part of the now FATAL Decline and Fall of Western Civilization – esp since 1914, 1929, 1939, 2001.
    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  2. Interesting to see what the Supremes will say, since they’ve not been that favorable to third parties on voting issues.

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