President Trump Declines Invitation to Run in American Independent Party Presidential Primary

President Donald Trump declined a chance to run in the American Independent Party presidential primary for 2020. The party invited him, and he was made aware of the offer through a discussion with one of his sons. In 2016 the AIP had nominated him in the general election, and in November 2016 his name was on the California ballot with the label, “Republican, American Independent.”


President Trump Declines Invitation to Run in American Independent Party Presidential Primary — 21 Comments

  1. @WZ,

    In California you have to file as a write-in. I doubt that Trump will file.

    In 2016, 5 Democrats and 10 Republicans filed. 124 total votes were received. JOOgle finished 9th among the Republican write-ins with 3 votes.

  2. @ JR Nevertheless, a lot of AIP voters will write in his name. If you see a lot of “voids” reported in the AIP primary, IMO many of those will be Trump write-ins.

  3. 7 Dec 1941 PM EST –

    Japanese monarch/oligarch KILLERS/enslavers attack USA in olde Hawaii Territory – aka Pearl Harbor Attack.

    USA into WW II – DOOOOOM for Axis killers/enslavers.

    Price – about 80 million dead – much of property in Europe and east Asia destroyed.

    1945 Nuke Age >>> any WW III will be the last WAR.

    How many current top killers/enslavers in how many current regimes ???
    SAVE *Civilization* —

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  4. @WZ,

    Historically there is a large undervote in the AIP presidential primary as voters are handed the ballot because they thought they were “independent”

  5. Jim Riley

    You view of undervote reason is wrong. There has just been a large number of AI voters who pick for POTUS someone who has note filed as a write-in like Trump and Sanders.

  6. Generally speaking over the years, the American Independent Party Has Had the highest percentage of votes in the California Presidential Primary other than the Democratic & Republican parties.

  7. In 2016 in Orange County (No state report available)

    Democratic: 97.5% voted (Sanders was still thought to have a chance).

    Republican: 89.2% voted (Trump had it won by then, and many Republican candidates had withdrawn)

    Libertarian: 64.4% voted. (2012 nominee Johnson was well known)

    Green: 54.4% voted. (2012 nominee Stein was well known)

    P&F: 32.4% voted.

    AIP: 22.0% voted.


    It is true that substantially more voters cast an AIP ballot. They just undervoted on the presidential race.

    AIP 13,175; Libertarian: 4,899; Green 1,352; P&F 836.

  8. Demo Rep- thanks for that incredible segway into Pearl Harbor Day! Lucid! Engaging! Sensible! Pointless… well that, too!

  9. History means ZERO to mindless con law / polisci / math MORONS – esp pre-skoool / juvenile MORONS.

    It shows on this list.

    NO primaries.

    NO EC

    Nom Pets

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP — to get some real discussion of the disaster effects of all sorts of statist control freak laws.

  10. Jim Riley

    Again the undervote for POTUS In the CA 2016 primary was because the AIP elector primary had a very large vote for a Trump and he was not a qualified write-in candidate.

  11. @Mark Seidenberg- In the past two presidential primaries for the AIP, the winner of the primary was not the person listed on the November ballot. What is the forecast for 2020?

  12. Jim Riley

    I got two County ROV’s to tell me the under votes were not blank. Trump came first. Sanders came second. Clinton came a distant third. But each of those three write-in that were unofficial were more than anyone on the printed ballot candidates. In fact the 2012 nominee of the AI was in last place on the 2016 vote.

  13. So you’re saying election officials took the time to not only read the voided ballots but also tallied the votes for each non-candidate. Really?!

  14. He’ll be their nominee, but they had best work out the elector problem. They had only two electors in common with the Republicans in 2016, so any vote for Trump as “Republican, American Independent” could have been considered an overvote.

    Mark — who was the 2012 nominee? Wasn’t it Keyes in 2008?

  15. What do MORONS like CL sleep with — each other in a local dumpster / land fill ???

    Has CL ever posted ANY fact or opinion worth noting for more than a micro-second ???

    When will BAN ban pre-skooool MORONS and their MORON posts ???

    Time is running O-U-T to save Western Civilization — from the new Age hoards of MORONS / trolls / spies / jerk heads / etc. like CL.

    Is BAN almost as rotted as the RED Donkey communist Prez candidate so-called debates ???

    — or the much worse NON-debates in the minority rule gerrymander USA Congress.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

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