U.S. Supreme Court Will Consider Both Presidential Elector Cases at January 10, 2020 Conference

On December 11, the U.S. Supreme Court moved the conference date for the Washington state presidential electors lawsuit from December 13, 2019, to January 10, 2020. The Colorado case on the same subject had already been set on January 10, 2020. So, not surprisingly, the Court will consider both of them simultaneously.


U.S. Supreme Court Will Consider Both Presidential Elector Cases at January 10, 2020 Conference — 9 Comments

  1. I have little doubt the Court will rule that there is no such thing as “faithless electors” because state law can’t bind them. Parties may make rules to sue them for breach of contract or whatever, but such things would be ex post facto, of course.

  2. All more reasons to —

    ABOLISH the super timebomb EC

    1860 timebomb >>> 750,000 DEAD in 1861-1866

  3. This will be a boon to the United Coalition USA should courts rule that Electors have the liberty to vote as they wish.

    That’s because with a 539-party system you need to be dynamic.

    There might also be death, resignation or new strategies that may need to be considered when the votes are made.

  4. ANY brain scan / LIE detector tests for might be 12 Amdt Prez electors ??? —

    esp the party HACKS at the D/R national conventions.

    Blood oaths / CERTAIN death [ie contract killer HITS] for ALL *faithless* folks ???

  5. If this conservative court rules on the basis of the “original intent” of the Founding Fathers, they will certainly rule that no Elector can be “faithless” and cannot be bound to vote in any way.

    The FFs envisioned the body of Electors as being a deliberative body of educated, well-informed individuals who would select the most qualified candidate as opposed to, for instance, the most well-known candidate. They also believed this method of selecting the Executive would be superior to the method they had been generally favoring for weeks of the Constitutional Convention, and indeed up to the DAY BEFORE the EC was adopted. That method? The Congress would appoint the Executive. However the major flaw of that method, as the FFs saw it, was the possibility of what they would call “intrigue” and “cabal” between the Executive and the body to whom he owed his office.

    Those who today anoint the EC as a “carefully crafted”, “brilliant” system of bolstering “states’ rights”, protecting small states against large states, rural voters against urban voters, and all the other claptrap that’s dredged up in discussions of the National Popular Vote scheme choose to ignore the reality of how the EC was originally conformed and why. They also choose to ignore the fact that the FF’s never once discussed or considered for even one minute of the Con Con instituting the winner-take all scheme that in 48 states now designates nameless party hacks to perform a meaningless bit of kabuki theater once every four years.

    In fact, if the Supreme Court were to rule in this instance that the EC should be conducted exactly as the FFs envisioned, there would be a national uprising to abolish this broken, undemocratic, decrepit system of electing a president.

  6. The LATE DARK AGE 1787FFs in their TOP SECRET closed doors convention added more political band-aids and bailing wire to the olde 1777 Arts Confed to barely hold the USA regime together.

    Major FATAL Defects in the 1787 USA Constitution – 24 JULY 2019

    A. Election Related FATAL DEFECTS
    1. No uniform definition of Elector-Voter in all of the USA – including DC and colonies 1-2-1, 17 Am
    2. ANTI-DEMOCRACY MINORITY RULE gerrymanders in the 3 USA election systems – H. Reps. 1-2-3, 14 Am-2, Senate 1-3-1, 17 Am, Pres/VP Electoral College 2-1-2, 12 Am, 23 Am

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL = OLIGARCHY.
    MUCH WORSE primary math.

    3. NO total majority requirement to enact laws (only majority of bare majority quorum 1-5-1)
    4. NO election of USA Marshals and USA District Attorneys (to watch ALL other officers in all branches – esp. Presidents) and ALL USA Judges 2-2-2

    (1) UNIFORM DEFINITION OF VOTER IN ALL OF USA. USA Citizen, 18 plus years old.

    EQUAL Votes to elect each member.

    Both Majority Rule [DEMOCRACY] and Minority Representation.

    Approval Voting – Vote for 1 or more. Highest win.

    B. Separation of Powers FATAL DEFECTS

    1. Congress gerrymander Hacks ruling on elections of other Hacks 1-5-1
    2. Congress impeachment power 2-4, 1-2-5, 1-3-6,7
    3. President law veto power 1-7-2,3
    4. President major executive power 2-1 — exec power in ALL exec officers.
    5. President pardon power 2-2-1
    6. President power to adjourn Congress 2-3
    Each officer shall have only legislative, executive or judicial powers.
    Many of the FATAL defects were copied from the Brit regime of monarchs and oligarchs.
    ALL of the State constitutions have similar FATAL defects.
    The reptile brain statist MONSTERS in Devil City know how to exploit ALL the FATAL defects – since 1789.
    THUS- the pending Civil WAR II.
    H Judic Comt passed 2 Arts of Imp re Prez DJT — 23-17
    Full house vote next week.
    One more major step to Civil WAR II ??????? Duh.

  7. Some very thoughtful, informative comments here. I’m curious what you folks think of the Senate and it’s representation. I’ve read in several articles how in the not too distant future, 70% of the U.S. population will reside in 15 states — represented by only 30 Senators. Typically the counter argument is that Senators represent states. I tend to think of states and state governments as artificial constructs having no meaning beyond the people behind them — the voters of each state.
    So this is another FF compromise gone wrong.

  8. Changing the EC or Senate representation is very difficult. Does anything prevent an adjustment to how federal income taxes are paid? Since Wyoming and Kentucky both get two Senators, why should they not pay the same amount of federal taxes as California? If that isn’t corrected, don’t we have the same conditions that caused our revolution — taxation without representation? The House’s 435 members do not offset the power of the Senate and that number is over 100 years out of date. The U.S.now has 3 times as many people as it did when 435 was set as a cap based on the 1910 census.

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