
See Final British Election Returns — 6 Comments

  1. Results in mere 7 days — not months and months as in the USA.

    UNEQUAL votes for winners.
    UNEQUAL votes in districts [aka ridings].

    One more minority rule TYRANT regime — having NOOOO written const.

    — the Mother of all modern gerrymander rigged regimes since 1200s.

    Super-Infections in USA, Canada, India, etc.

    More secession noises in Scotland, N. Ireland, Wales, England.

    PR and Appv and TOTSOP

  2. @DR,

    Canada has ridings
    Australia has divisions
    Britain has constituencies
    United States has districts
    New Zealand has electorates

    In Britain constituencies have equal electorates. They are not based on population.

  3. It will be interesting to see how the Tories rule, given the many progressive campaign promises they made.

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