Missouri Green Party Presidential Primary Now Has Three Candidates

The Missouri Green Party presidential primary ballot will list Howie Hawkins, Dario Hunter, and David Rolde. The latter two filed on December 23, the next-to-last day. Candidates qualify by paying a fee of $1,000.


Missouri Green Party Presidential Primary Now Has Three Candidates — 4 Comments

  1. The deadline is 5:00 PM, but the two Greens, a Democrat, Steve Burke, and Bill Weld filed just before 10 AM. That might be when a clerk opened the mail.

  2. @Edward Brown: Well, Rolde is the guy whose official Green Party candidate questionnaire has a photo of himself wearing a message on his shirt with the words “Long Live the Syrian Arab Republic” and a picture of Bashar Assad.

    I don’t expect Green Party candidates’ foreign policy to correspond with what I might expect from Republicans or Democrats, but even by Green standards that seems over the top.

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