Filing Closes for Missouri Presidential Primary

On December 24, filing closed for candidates in the Missouri presidential primaries. Here is the final list. On the last day for filing, two candidates filed for the Constitution Party. Therefore, there are now three states so far that will have contested Constitution Party presidential primaries. The other two so far are Idaho and North Carolina. This is not necessarily a final list of states, because there are states for which filing hasn’t closed yet.


Filing Closes for Missouri Presidential Primary — 23 Comments

  1. In October of 1997 Google launched off our backs and gambled that no one will ever know about the United Coalition USA.

    Our team united the Green, Environmentalist, Libertarian, Democratic, Republican, all parties and Independents, since 1983. Ronald Reagan and Clint Eastwood ran against us in Camel California when Sue Hutchinson brought the tea parties to Camel.

    Read About 2012 When The California Libertarian Won the Missouri Primary With 52.8%!

    Independent Political Report

    The Missourian Newspaper

    Click here for version of Missourian which doesn’t require poll prior to reading article

    Not “Go” Ogle because stop/go is a plurality vote (two-party system).

    Only “1” to search for US President in 2020.

    The Libertarian One 2020

  2. @EB

    Yes, There are some small differences. Specifically, between the 2 running in the MO primary, Don Blankenship and Don Grundman. Both have very different mannerisms and even somewhat different focuses on policy. Don Blankenship is very focused on criminal justice reform and goverment overreach abd regulation, while Grundman seems to be more of a social issue activist.

  3. What other states hold CP primaries? Does the CP bind its delegates based on these primaries?

  4. The CP does not bind delegates based on primaries. They are merely preference polls. Idaho, however, picks their pres candidate separately from the national party, and does this by popular vote in their state primary, making them an exception.

  5. What is any LEGAL effect of minor party Prez primaries on minor party National Conventions of minor party hacks ???

    β€” ie ANY national minor party Bylaws give ANY status / legal effect to State Prez primaries of minor parties in such States ???

    β€” ie getting national convention delegates via such Prez primaries ???

    OR– one more evil rotted deception having NOOO legal effect.

    How odd is ID ???

    β€” just more stunt fraud sham events ???

  6. How can ANY Prez primary in a NO party registration State have ANY legal effect ???

    IE – Having hoards of Trump voters voting in RED Donkey Prez primaries

    — to pick the super-extremist / weakest moron Donkey ???

    See Mich – NO party registration

    Prez primary – voters required to state a party —

    hoards of liars – Elephants, Greens, LP, etc. – voting in Donkey Prez primary

    — to get Donkey national convention delegates for their liar choices.

  7. Everybody should get ready for 2020 — another political meat grinder year – like 1968 during the Vietnam WAR.

    The issue is in major doubt whether or not the USA Const will survive the TYRANT attacks on it in the so-called Trump brain.

    See END of Roman Republic in 27 BC [killer Emperor Augustus Caesar] after multiple attacks on it since 120 BC.

    Akin to the various killer/enslavers in the Star Wars movies trying to destroy the Republic.
    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  8. Demo, everybody – please relax. We’ve heard that all before. We survived Clintigula, Bush, Barry Soetoro. We’ll survive Trump and whomever else is the next puppet selected by the Bilderbergers. Enough of the doom and gloom, please. It’s Christmas!! Have a Very Merry one, and a Happy New Year.

  9. JB — always some delusional folks regarding KILLER statists.

    1900s – 2019 – perhaps 150 million DEAD due to Kaiser Bill, Lenin, Stalin, Hirohito, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Saddam, etc. —

    NOW no shortage of TOTAL statists — esp in USA RED Donkey communist party – Sanders, Warren, AOC, Tlaib, etc.

    USA now 100 percent bankrupt due to wars/welfare — hoards of barbarians ready to loot and kill/enslave.

  10. Two observations from the list, both on the Democratic side.

    Who will win the Steinman primary between Leonard and Velma? Bragging rights at the dinner table are on the line.

    Also, I see Robby Wells actually qualified for a primary ballot. I hadn’t seen much of that from his ‘campaigns’ through the years.

  11. Michigan – Good eye. I hadn’t even noticed Robby Wells. That dude scammed the Constitution party eight years ago. What a flake. And shame on CP folks for falling for his ruse.

  12. Fyi Michael, the Idaho CP disaffiliated from the national CP not too long ago, and will only run whomever wins their primary next year.

  13. Correct. The Idaho CP disaffiliated a year ago over shenanigans with the 2016 national nominating convention. Unfortunately the shenanigans will likely continue.

  14. What is the point of qualifying for a handful (or even half for that matter) of Democratic or Republican primary ballots? To me, either you are totally in it to win or not. If you aren’t on the ballot in most places, you don’t even have the chance. To me that screams a giant waste of time. Unless of course you use the campaign as a scheme to raise money and pay for living expenses.

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