The Green Mountain Party has completed its filing to maintain qualified status in Vermont. Vermont requires a group to show that it has town committees in at least ten towns, to become ballot-qualified or to maintain qualified status.
The Green Mountain Party is only organized in Vermont and is only interested in state elections. It has no connection with the Green Party.
The other qualified minor parties in Vermont now are the Libertarian Party and the Liberty Union Party. The deadline is December 31. It is not known if the Green Party will qualify.
In addition to the three minor parties, the Progressive Party is recognized as a major party along with the Demoblicans and Republicrats.
I hear that Ethan Allen will be their gubernatorial candidate.
VT – seceded from NY State — was *independent* regime in 1777-1791.
State 14 in 1791.
Has produced super-statist control freak Sen B. Sanders – just 1 of the many RED communists who have bankrupted the USA and State regimes.