All Briefs Filed in Minnesota Presidential Primary Ballot Access Case

On Thursday, January 9, the Minnesota Supreme Court will hear De La Fuente v Simon, the case over the constitutionality of the law that says a political party has sole discretion to decide which candidates appear on its presidential primary ballot. All the briefs are in. They are from the Secretary of State and the Democratic Party (both in support of the law); and on the other side, the De La Fuente brief.

The Court invited the Minnesota Republican Party to file a brief, but it did not do so.

Election administrators need to have this case settled as soon as possible. The primary is on March 3. It is somewhat likely the decision will be out within a day or so of the oral argument.


All Briefs Filed in Minnesota Presidential Primary Ballot Access Case — 5 Comments

  1. Due to SCOTUS —

    courts are brain dead about parties being factions/fractions of ALL Electors/Voters.

    ALL nominations being a part of the entire election process – ending with general/FINAL elections —

    ALL election parts controlled by PUBLIC laws and NOT some robot HACKS in the parties.

    NOOOOO primaries.

    Nominations ONLY via EQUAL nom pets.

  2. Giving ANY power over nominations to the hacks in parties is like giving power to biz / labor hacks about what econ competition they may have.

    eg- allowing GM and Ford top hacks to declare what car/truck competition they would have in the USA — gee – ZERO.

  3. I suspect that the DFL will try to prevent Collin Peterson from voting in the primary.

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