Brief Filed in Maryland Lawsuit Over Access to List of Registered Voters

On December 20, 2019, Dennis Fusaro filed this brief in Fusaro v Cogan in U.S. District Court. This is the case that challenges a Maryland law that says only a registered voter in Maryland may purchase the list of registered voters, and the list can only be used for a purpose related to the “electoral process.” Fusaro lives in Virginia. He wants the list to write a letter to active registered Maryland voters about the behavior of a certain elected Maryland official. The case was filed in 2017, and Fusaro lost in U.S. District Court, but then the Fourth Circuit remanded the case and said the Maryland law may violate the First Amendment. The case is back in U.S. District Court and Fusaro is asking for summary judgment.


Brief Filed in Maryland Lawsuit Over Access to List of Registered Voters — 1 Comment

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