Lincoln Chafee Files with the FEC as a Libertarian Presidential Candidate

On January 5, Lincoln Chafee filed with the Federal Election Commission as a Libertarian presidential candidate. The filing says his campaign manager is Christopher Thrasher. See the filing here. Thanks to Jim Riley for the link.

Chafee has been elected Governor of Rhode Island, and also U.S. Senator from Rhode Island. He was elected Governor in 2010 as an independent. He is age 66. When he was a Republican U.S. Senator in 2003, he was the only Republican Senator to vote against going to war against Iraq. Here is a Rhode Island news story about his filing.


Lincoln Chafee Files with the FEC as a Libertarian Presidential Candidate — 51 Comments

  1. Even though the number of LP office-holders nationwide has increased to 271, along with nearly a million registered voters, Jeff.

  2. UGGGGGGG!!!!! Another fake “Libertarian” carpetbagger from the major parties. I am so sick of these people. If this clown wins the nomination, it will make 4 presidential elections in a row that the Libertarian Party did not have an actual libertarian on its presidential ticket.

    I looked into Chafee’s record. He is far from being a libertarian. Sure, he had a few votes on his record that could be considered libertarian, or quasi-libertarian, but on most issues, he was not libertarian at all.

    If the Libertarian Party nominates Lincoln Chafee, the party will be a bigger joke than a lot of people already think it is.

  3. Still holding out for Amash to jump into the LP, yet if that doesn’t happen and Chafee proves himself to the LP -I’ll consider backing him at the convention, even though I’m backing Abramson at the moment.

  4. Cody, back in 2003, the Libertarian Party had over 600 elected office holders. It has been about 20 years since the LP elected anyone to a seat in a state legislature.

  5. It is too late for Chafee to prove himself. He has been an elected Governor and Senator, and he was FAR from being a libertarian. He also has ZERO record of being a libertarian activist. He can’t change this between now and convention time. One should not show up in the Libertarian Party with ZERO record of being a libertarian, and go straight to the top of the party’s ticket.

    I am suspect of anyone who supports this clown. You’ve either got to be extremely naive or a plant/saboteur/confidential informant of some type.

  6. I called it. Why else would he have joined the party? He obviously doesn’t believe in the platform, and no, he hasn’t evolved into a libertarian.

    Thrasher sounds familiar.

  7. The site has the following rather extensive list of declared Librarian Party Presidential candidates. Fifty one now if I counted correctly. Wonder how they’re planning on conducting their debates? Will they use a protocol similar to that of the Democrats?

    State Rep. Max Abramson (New Hampshire)
    Ken Armstrong (Louisiana)
    Blake Ashby (Missouri)
    Dan Behrman (Texas)
    Ken Blevins (Oklahoma)
    Former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee (Wyoming)
    M.E. Sergeant Cook Jr. (California)
    Kyler DePriest (Wyoming)
    Keenan Wallace Dunham (South Carolina)
    Souraya Faas (Florida)
    Erik Gerhardt (Pennsylvania)
    Evret Greer (Maine)
    Brad Hartliep (Texas)
    Jedidiah “Jedi” Hill (Ohio)
    Jacob Hornberger (Virginia)
    Heather Horst (Nebraska)
    William Hurst (Alabama)
    Cecil Ince (Missouri)
    Jo Jorgensen (South Carolina)
    Cam Jones (Nebraska)
    Adam Kokesh (Indiana)
    Brandin Lea (Texas)
    Ben Leder (Texas)
    Ben Layton (Utah)
    Kip Lee (California)
    Donald Eugene Lowe (Texas)
    Lorraine Lynch (Texas)
    John McAfee (Tennessee)
    Rickey Morris Jr. (Texas)
    Andre Nero (Georgia)
    James Ogle (California)
    Jason Peach (Utah)
    John Phillips Jr. (Illinois)
    Derrick Michael Reid (California)
    Steve Richey (Hawaii)
    Sam Robb (Pennsylvania)
    Kim Ruff (Arizona)
    Sandra Salas (Pennsylvania)
    Stephen Schrader (California)
    Phillip Seales (Alabama)
    Mark Spivey (New York)
    Leonard “Lem” Sportsinterviews (Wyoming)
    Christopher Stefan (California)
    Vermin Supreme (Maryland)
    Arvin Vohra (Maryland)
    Vince Wallace (Texas)
    Christopher Weaver (Florida)
    Krista Whipple (Colorado)
    Terry Wilkerson (Pennsylvania)
    Gus Williams (California)
    Demetra Wysinger (Texas)

    Congressman Justin Amash (I-Michigan)
    Sam Seder (New York)
    Larry Sharpe (New York)

  8. JB – how about the LP spend some pennies and let the LP Prez candidates post their UNEDITED [but space limited] comments about statist machinations on a LP website page — starting with UNEQUAL ballot access laws and minority rule gerrymanders ???

    Of course — the delusional utopian LP NOOO govt anarchists will say the LP should not do even that.

    Also – a LP paper mail SECRET ballot – using AppV — for LP MEMBERS

    — NOT the usual clubby folks since 1970 at LP conventions picking Prez/VP candidates.

    Primary day — 4 July 2020 ???

    EQUAL ballot access laws
    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  9. Wow, I have been following this stuff closely for years, and even I have not heard of a lot of the names on the list of declared candidates for the LP’s presidential nomination.

    I have heard that Rocky De La Fuente may jump to the LP and run for the presidential nomination as well.

  10. Andy, RE: Rocky – From where did you hear that? Interesting strategy if true. Rocky De La Fuente is Savoir-Faire. He is everywhere!

  11. The Libertarian candidates for Pres & VP in 2020 will probably not get as many votes as 2016, HOWEVER, in a very close election, those handful of votes may make all the difference in a few key swing states.

  12. @DR,

    Democrats Abroad have a system like you are proposing.

    You can go to their website

    If you are a member, you can sign candidate petitions by clicking on a picture of a candidate and reading a statement about their positions.

  13. LP National Chairman, Nicholas Sarwark, invited Rocky De La Fuente to seek the LP’s presidential nomination on Twitter and/or Facebook. This was posted in response to Rocky’s problems getting on the Republican presidential primary ballot in some states.

    Note that Rocky De La Fuente has ZERO background as a libertarian activist, however, technically, he did join the Libertarian Party shortly before the 2016 LP National Convention in Orlando, and he actually showed up at that convention, as he was one of several oddball candidates who came in at the last minute and tried to capture the LP’s presidential or vice presidential nomination. Rocky actually had a table set up in the lobby of the convention hall. I saw him there, but unfortunately, I did not talk to him. He ended up leaving early when it was clearly apparent he was not going to win any nomination, or even get enough support to speak on stage. He has had nothing to do with the LP since then.

    He has two former LP members working on his campaign. One is Alicia Dearn, who was an attorney for the Gary Johnson campaign, and who ran for the LP’s VP nomination in 2016. While Dearn was giving her speech at the convention, she brought Bill Weld up on stage, and got him to promise that he’d be loyal to the LP (a promise he obviously broke), and then she dropped out if the race and endorsed Bill Weld, what I believe was staged. Alicia Dearn in now Rocky’s campaign manager.

    The other is Angela Fisher, now known as Angela Fisher Velasquez. She was also previously known as Angela Owens, and Angela Fisher Owens. Her online profile does not make it appear that she recently got married, so no idea why she is now calling herself Angela Fisher Velasquez. She worked for the Adam Kokesh for President campaign in 2018, but was fired after she apparently got caught stealing campaign contributions. I recall hearing that she apparently filed false campaign reports, and may have stolen some campaign documents. She is now Rocky De La Fuente’s Cheif of Staff.

    What cartoon does the Savoir-Faire, he is everywhere come from? I have not heard that in many years.

  14. JR –

    The early LP folks modified the 1970 Elephant Bylaws only a bit.

    USA LP now has gerrymander system for LP NC and major violation of separation of powers.

    It shows – esp in the 1-4 pct of votes since 1970 and multiple MAJOR losses in ballot access cases – about 5 in 2019 alone.

    Bit amazing the delusional NOOO govt anarchists have not [yet] totally wrecked the LP.

    IE – LP now akin to Prohibition Party, etc. – almost D-E-A-D.

  15. I welcome any former Republican or Democratic office holder who joins the Libertarian party. However, none of them should immediately try for the Presidential nomination.

    Chaffee should run for Congress or Senate first. Only after Chaffee has been active in the LP for a few years should he run for President.

    In 2020 I support Jacob Hornberger for President.

  16. Sarwark is once again showing what a fraud he is by actively promoting De La Fuente to run for the nomination. Remember how much he shilled for Weld? This clown needs to be removed from chair.

  17. Darcy G. Richardson’s Uncovered Politics website first reported the invitation from Nicholas Sarwark to Rocky De La Fuente to seek the Libertarian presidential nomination as far as I know.

  18. Sarwark is the best chair the l.p. Has ever had. I hope he runs for and wins another term. Chafee, De la fuente or both will be great on the 2020 ticket. I’m for it.

    Sadly, Andy is repeating kokesh lies about Angela. She has the goods on kokesh, extensive proof of all his malfeasance which caused her and many other former staff to dissociate from him. It’s not surprising he is going on the offensive with false accusations when people call him out, like a mini trump.

  19. @Andy: I’m just relying on what I can find online. I have never watched the “Klondike Kat” cartoon.

  20. I’m leery of running any former Democrat or Republican elected official for any office as a Libertarian, UNLESS they had a record in office that was pretty darn libertarian. Lincoln Chafee fails by this standard. The guy had an F rating on gun rights from the NRA, for just one of many things wrong with Chafee.

    A former elected Democrat or Republican who did not have at least a fairly strong libertarian record while in office would have to would have to do several years of libertarian penance for me to even consider them for a Libertarian Party nomination for office, particularly a high level office.

  21. You get f rating on immigration, choice and a few other issues so worry about your own penance first. The Jews will replace you.

  22. “Cody, back in 2003, the Libertarian Party had over 600 elected office holders. It has been about 20 years since the LP elected anyone to a seat in a state legislature.”

    This was also when California didn’t have Top-Two and less restrictive election laws, since a lot of those office-holders were in that state then.
    It also was less homogeneously Democrat as well, and so it was easier for a LP’er to run and get elected to a local office there.

    The LP is gaining and growing today.

  23. “I’m leery of running any former Democrat or Republican elected official for any office as a Libertarian, UNLESS they had a record in office that was pretty darn libertarian.”

    That would be Gary Johnson. His record as NM Governor was libertarian enough.

    I get what you’re saying about Chafee; I’m backing Abramson.

  24. 600 was a pretty bogus number. It included appointed office, not just elected. Vast majority were nonpartisan and some elected under other parties but paid dues to l.p. What it came down to was with unified membership and paid prospecting to movement lists plus good data co-operation between hq, Browne campaign and states, they managed to sign up a lot of short term dues payers including a few hundred people who were elected or appointed to minor nonpartisan local offices.

    The list was not exactly vetted or purged all that much either.

  25. It was over 600, and yes, it did include some people who were appointed, and yes, a lot of of was for non-partisan offices, and it was a lot of low level positions, but even so, this is about all the LP has today, the only difference is that there are a lot less of them today than back in 2003.

  26. “Ed Ng,” you are not somebody who should be grading anyone. You don’t even post under a real name, and you come on here spouting propaganda.

    As for my immigration stance, I have never said that I am trying to end immigration. I am opposed to mass welfare statist immigration. I am opposed to so called “immigrants” who do not reciprocate the values of liberty. I do support a selective immigration policy, and ultimately, since I consider all coercive government to be illegitimate, I would turn immigration, and everything else, over to the private sector, but given that this option is not on the table, as long as the state has a monopoly on managing that function, it should a) not invite people into the country who pose a threat to the life, liberty, and property of the existing population, and if said people sneak in or overstay their VISA, tbe state should not reward them, or any offspring they have while here, with citizenship, or taxpayer funded benefits, and if caught, they should be “physically removed,” just as a property owner would do to a trespasses, and b) the state should not invite in such a large number of people that they overwhelm, and displace, the existing population. There is nothing unlibertarian about this. It is no different than how a condominium association or gated community would act.

  27. Cody, I disagree with you about Gary Johnson’s record as Governor of New Mexico being, “libertarian enough”. State spending and state debt doubled under Gary Johnson. Also, the entire 8 years he was Governor, he only pardoned around 26 or 28 people (it was less than 30), and he only granted these pardons AFTER they had already served their sentences behind bars, which means he did not release even one person who was convicted of a victimless crime, or otherwise falsely convicted. He also sought the death penalty for 13 year olds.

  28. How many $$$ Billions are ex Elephant/Donkey HACKS being paid by top Donkeys/Elephants to be the LP/GP Prez candidate

    — to DIVIDE AND CONQUER in the now about 8 marginal EC gerrymander States

    (esp if LP and GP can not be directly kept off the ballots) ???

  29. The vast majority of LP members in office today are either nonpartisan or switched parties after being elected as an R or D. How many current office holders were actually elected as a Libertarian, in a partisan race? Can you count it on two hands?

    The party is not growing, and sadly many new members are either ex-Republicans or communists. While these new people join, many of the actual libertarians quit the party.

  30. Given that the national party rules of the Libertarian Party do not bind the nominations of the national convention, it’s important to see who is showing up at the state conventions to pick delegates to the national convention. The future of the LP will be decided by cozy conventions in hotel function rooms in each state.

  31. I’m a Libertarian member that’s never been an R or D that was elected this year in a partisan race

  32. I’d rather vote for a Communist than a Libertarian. But I do like Lincoln Chafee. Especially after the way he was treated in 2015 by the eventual Democratic nominee.

  33. “I’d rather vote for a Communist than a Libertarian.” – Howie Hawkins for President

    Well, I guess that says it all!

  34. You assume I don’t post under a real name Andy but assuming is all you have, and I have at least as much right to grade anyone as you. But actually it has nothing to do with you, you grade yourself with an f minus with your totalitarian views.

    You want a giant government to round up and ethnically cleanse tens of millions of people. You want to ignore constitutional law on limits on federal powers which don’t include anything about regulation of immigration, only naturalization. You want to ignore the constitution on birthright citizenship.

    You want stasi or Nazi like thugs tracking everyone, detaining and harassing people , checking who is working or being considered to work for whom or renting to whom or doing business with whom. You want people tracked like lab rats and constantly monitored and surveilled to facilitate this.

    You want prison like walks around the country and every country and millions of troops at the border. You want concentration camps where people, including children and us born patents, are thrown enough masse, routinely gang raped, and killed by unsafe and unsanitary conditions and disease.

    You want internal checkpoints all over the country. Like in foreign totalitarian dictatorships. Papers please.

    You want government thugs monitoring every pregnancy and miscarriage, investigating if it was a verboten abortion. You want ten year old girls forced to give birth to babies conceived through rape and incest and dying in childbirth.

    You want families separated by borders. Land taken from its owners through eminent domain to build border walls. Towns cut down the middle.

    You might claim this is also temporary until you achieve anarchofascist utopia where all of these things are done by biblical patriarchs, feudal lords, Blackwater and cartels and gangs peacefully coexisting in never never land. It’s about as likely as the Marxist claim that their temporary totalitarian nightmare would just fade away and turn into a stateless workers paradise.

    In practice it amounts to the same thing: totalitarianism. Boots stomping on human faces forever. Endless big brother prison universe without end. A living eternal hell on earth.

    So who cares who is pointing this out except you? It’s still true regardless. And then you are going to hypocritically grade other people on libertarian purity? Go heal yourself.

  35. It’s not just like communism. It actually literally is communism. The idea that government is part owner of the whole country, like a gated community, is throwing any and all libertarian ideas out the window and justifying socialist or fascist government co-ownership and property rights in anything and everything.

    Yeah. That’s right. Just like hoppe, Andy is a Marxist in the guise of a libertarian. He wants east German or Chinese walls, and a government to match. “Temporary,” just like their

    He is about as libertarian as molyneux. Alex jones, can’twell, and Augustus invictus, all of whom he admires and makes excuses for . That is not at all. Fash Marxism mixes with libertarian and classical liberal ideas about as well as oil and water. It’s illogical, ahistorical, dishonest, transparent nonsense. It doesn’t even begin to add up or make sense. Complete non starter. Doesn’t get off the launch pad.

    Trajectory crap back under whatever rock it crawled out from under in the fourth Reich by way of neoconfederate anti-antiracist antizionists who obsess about Jewish conspiracies to replace the white race with third world immigrants but are not in the least bit racist or bigoted in any way, shape or form. Sound like anyone we know?

  36. LOTS of Cain killer/enslaver DEVIL reptile/spider control freak genes lurking in various times and places ???

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  37. “Ed Ng” said: “It’s not just like communism. It actually literally is communism. The idea that government is part owner of the whole country, like a gated community, is throwing any and all libertarian ideas out the window and justifying socialist or fascist government co-ownership and property rights in anything and everything.”

    The “citizens” of the country who pay the taxes that support the infrastructure and commons, and other government programs, are the rightful owners of the government.

    A pure libertarian society would be all private property. Property rights means exclusivity to property. Those who suggest that property should be open to everyone on the planet are not preaching libertarianism, they are preaching communism. No exclusivity to property means no property rights.

    If one thinks that everyone on the planet has a “right” to the property paid for by the American taxpayers, do they also have a right to collect Social Security, participate in Medicaid (Medicaid for all like that commie Kuhnel, or whatever his name was, who ran for National Chairman of the Libertarian Party at the 2018 National Convention said, while wearing a Karl Marx t-shirt and calling to tear down the US border and admit unlimited numbers of foreigners with no questions asked), and vote in American elections even though they are not citizens of the country?

    The above are all goals of the communists and their globalist puppetmasters.

    We see which side “Ed Ng” is on.

  38. The Communists Behind the “Abolish ICE,” “Occupy ICE” Agitation

    From the article: “Who are the groups and individuals leading the Abolish ICE/Occupy ICE confrontations and agitation? The Big Media “journalists” go to great pains to craft stories sympathetic to the break-down-the-borders activists, while bending over backwards to hide the fact this ‘movement’ would not exist without the leadership provided by veteran cadres of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Workers World Party (WWP), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Antifa anarcho-communists, the National Lawyers Guild(NLG), and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).”

  39. @ JB: I can’t tell you how much information AND entertainment I get from the comments in Richard Winger’s continuing drama.

  40. Perhaps make BAN a TV cable network show to compete with AM kid shows / PM soap operas ???

    Any PBS open slot ???

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