Louisiana Republican Party Lawsuit Against Law Requiring Equal Balance of Men and Women in Party Committee Spots

The Republican Party of Louisiana has filed a state court lawsuit against the law that requires them to keep a sex balance in their state committee. Louisiana is one of the states in which primary voters choose party committee members. See this story.


Louisiana Republican Party Lawsuit Against Law Requiring Equal Balance of Men and Women in Party Committee Spots — 4 Comments

  1. Party HACKS in PUBLIC nomination/election/vacancy processes

    Marchioro v. Chaney, 442 U.S. 191 (1979)

    vs internal clubby stuff.

    Eu v. S.F. Cty. Democratic Cent. Comm., 489 U.S. 214 (1989).

  2. I haven’t read the article, but my assumption is that the Repubs want more smarter women in committees seats than men…correct?

  3. California Elections Code Sections 7603 states:

    “Each delegate to the State Convention shall appoint to membership on this committee one voter of the same sex
    as the delegate and two voters of the opposite sex. These appointments when so made shall be absolute.”
    [enacted by Stats. 1994, chap. 920, sec. 2]

    How is this California law different from that law in LA?

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