Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Arizona Law Making it a Felony For Most Individuals to Deliver a Voted Absentee Ballot

On January 27, an en banc panel of the Ninth Circuit struck down two Arizona laws on voting procedures. The first law makes it a felony for most people to deliver a voted absentee ballot to an election-administration office. Only officials in their official capacity, family members, household members, or caregivers, can deliver such a ballot.

The other law invalidates provisional ballots which are cast at a precinct other than the voter’s home precinct. Democratic National Committee v Hobbs, 18-15845. The en banc decision was 6-4. It is based on the Fifteenth Amendment, which says “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged.” The decision is fact-filled and explains how the two invalid laws have a far greater impact on Native Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans, than on other voters.

Rick Hasen explains here that the decision shows that the Fifteenth Amendment has relevance to election law that is somewhat different than the Fourteenth Amendment.


Ninth Circuit Strikes Down Arizona Law Making it a Felony For Most Individuals to Deliver a Voted Absentee Ballot — 3 Comments

  1. One more chance for the SCOTUS 5 rightists to hammer the 9th circuit gang of RED Donkey commies.

  2. IF the law is EQUAL for ALL voters, then the *impact* stuff is irrelevant —

    ALWAYS some impact stuff due to time, location, income, job, health, etc stuff.
    15 Amdt –
    obviously based in 14 Amdt-2

    Prez Grant barely won in 1868 in some NORTHERN States having numbers of black ex-Union Army / Navy folks.

    Elephant PANIC in Dec 1868-Feb 1869 – before new Congress on 4 Mar 1869.

    Zillion pages of debate in olde Cong. Globe.

    SCOTUS has yet to do a proper review of legis history of 15th Amdt — due to useless lazy so-called con law lawyers.
    Underlying failure to have USA POSITIVE uniform definition of Elector-Voter for ALL elections —

    Now USA Citizen, 18 + years olde — NOOOOO mental/criminal machinations.
    Nonstop election CRISIS stuff continues.
    Trump trial/joke may end today – via ANTI-Democracy minority rule USA gerrymander Senate.

    Tyranny Trump stuff may get TOTAL.

    Death for many Donkeys ??? –
    who just might want to get ARMS via the 2nd Amdt for their self-defenses.

    See June 1934 Hitler purge and later 1936-1939 Stalin super-purges.

  3. 15 AMDT

    Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

    Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

    How many States in Feb 1869 did deny/abridge right of citizens of the United States to vote *** on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude ???

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