USA Today Carries Op-Ed in Favor of a Multi-Party System for U.S.

Neal Simon, who was an independent candidate for U.S. Senate in Maryland in 2018, has this op-ed in favor of a multi-party system for the U.S. Thanks to Fairvote for the link.


USA Today Carries Op-Ed in Favor of a Multi-Party System for U.S. — 17 Comments

  1. Failure to attack SCOTUS hacks and their continuous upholding UNEQUAL ballot access laws and minority rule gerrymanders.

    EQUAL ballot access

  2. The solutions that Neal Simon proposes are:

    “nonpartisan redistricting, easier ballot access, open primaries, frequent and accessible debates, financial transparency in campaigns with spending limits, term limits, and ranked-choice voting”

    Each of the first six of his proposed solutions are useful ideas to discuss. However, none of them will make one bit of difference regarding getting elected as an independent or minor party candidate. The last suggestion is the only one that MIGHT make it easier for a non-D/R to get elected. His thinking is typical of clueless D/R politicians with a grudge.

  3. The Libertarian One 2020
    James Ogle for President
    (831) 236-3825

    How Google got their name:

    Google launched off our backs and they don’t want anyone to know.

    Iowa February 3rd, 2020

    New Hampshire February 11th, 2020
    * * *

    CEO Buck Rogers [Conservative]

    “He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. —Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position”. —Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes”.
    * * *

  4. J.O. Ogle,
    You did not answer my questions in previous post comment about Tiffany Briscoe.
    She was a democrat in a congressional primary I believe in Maryland in 2010.
    Then she turned up with Pierre Crevaux as manager to run against me in the BTP presidential nomination.
    Upon winning went on a self imposed book research sabbatical forsaking campaigning. i.e. she stole the nomination from me and sat on it.
    I did some investigative reporting which despite me being banned, was reported in IPR.
    She was removed upon close vote. Then somehow found her way to you reportedly as your girlfriend?
    What say you?

  5. Who are you/Briscoe/Crevaux working for? Democratic party? Republican party? Trump? Russians?
    What is your mission? Create disruption, confusion in the third party/independent movement? Disinformation campaign? etc?

  6. Interesting article in Chicago Tribune about Jay Sekulow, jewish,Trump defense counsel. His law practice had client Antonin Scalia USSC, who upon “death” was attempted to be replaced by President Oilybomber with Merrick Garland, jewish. If confirmed, the percentage of jewish justices would have been raised from 2/9 22% to 3/9 33%. Jews are about 2% of US population.
    Slowly stacking the USSC? That takes balls, baby!
    Right out in front of everybody too.
    Just like the assassination of JFK. Best photography of the assassination? By Abraham Zapruder, jewish, with a top of the line of course polaroid camera.
    At my illegal eviction, the court officers were 100% jewish. THAT got my attention!

  7. Right out in front of everybody.
    Need I mention Jack Ruby? aka Jacob Rubenstein, jewish thug night club owner. Pimping out white women.
    Somehow got past Dallas police fuzz security with a 38 revolver.
    Shot poor schmuck self proclaimed patsy Lee Harvey Oswald in the gut on live nationwide tv!
    About 2 years later he is “dead” from cancer!
    Conveniently, no trial in either case. Hmmmmmmm!
    Anybody check to see if that 38 had a magnum load?
    Anybody check Ruby’s grave to see if there is a mannequin there?
    Isn’t it about time?
    Check my father’s grave while you are at it.
    You have my consent, permission, authorization.
    They did recently dig up poor schmuck’s bones.

  8. Ok, I took care of the errands.
    Now, Twin Towers burning, collapsing on first responders and occupants.
    First, we should check on occupants normally there on an average Tuesday.
    Then see who was actually there. Including religion, ethnicity.
    How many jews were not there that day that would have been otherwise i.e. were notified or otherwise gotten out of harms way.
    Same thing with first responders.
    A lot of people noticed how they fell very similar to how a controlled demolition would have.
    IIRC Tom Knapp poo pooed this theory.
    What if it was? How could it have been done? I am no demolition expert but…
    Even I can think of a few ways. The Israelis, and the US intel and others are explosives and demolition experts.
    How about wireless det caps? How about construction materials/girders infused with explosives or hot burning magnesium? DURING construction, not that many years previous. #0 or so. IIRC.
    I guess this makes me a “troofer”.

  9. On my blog I have promised First responders that if I am elected, I WILL find out the TROOF about 9/11.

  10. I have heard of Alex Jones. That is about it.
    Now, if the First Responders want to find out who dropped those buildings on their heads, they will get me elected.

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