Eleven Democratic Presidential Candidates File New York Petitions

February 6 was the deadline for petitions for Democratic presidential primary candidates in New York. For Democrats (but not other parties) 5,000 signatures are required. Eleven Democrats filed: Michael Bennet, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang. See the State Board of Elections web page here, although as of the evening of February 6, it isn’t complete. Thanks to Darcy Richardson for the news about the three who filed but who are not yet listed.

Republican presidential candidates get on the ballot by filing a request by February 25, asserting that they are nationally recognized candidates as shown by media coverage. A majority of Republican members of the State Board of Elections must approve the request. Or, they can also submit a petition. The only Republican who has submitted a petition is Rocky De La Fuente.


Eleven Democratic Presidential Candidates File New York Petitions — 14 Comments

  1. Bloomberg, Tulsi Gabbard, Deval Patrick and Republican challenger Rocky De La Fuente also submitted nominating petitions before this afternoon’s filing deadline.

  2. In New York, each ballot-qualified minor party chooses either the Democratic plan or the Republican plan. The Republican plan doesn’t require signatures, for candidates who are discussed in the news media. So I assume if the New York Libertarians plan to use their presidential primary, they will choose the Republican plan.

  3. There was a petition for Libertarian presidential candidates to get on the Libertarian Party of New York primary ballot. It required 700 and something valid petition signatures from registered Libertarians in NY. New York has 14,000 and something registered Libertarians. This was so difficult that I do not think any LP presidential candidate tried doing it. I am not sure if the LP of NY State Committee can place candidates on TBE primary ballot without them gathering petition signatures.

  4. If a party wanted a primary it had to say so by early December. There is also an option to choose a presidential nominee by state convention.

    Technically, the Democratic and Republican plans are ways of choosing delegates to the national convention. There is a variant of the Democratic plan that elects delegates without presidential candidates.

    The plans are placed in temporarily legislation that will expire at the end of the year. Before 2024, the two parties will tell the legislature what rules they want.

    The Republican plan also permits qualification based on campaign contributions. It appears to be worded in a way that would base ballot access on sufficient contributions to qualify for federal funds, without actually applying or accepting spending limits.

    P.S. the SBOE website has been updated to show all 11 filers.

  5. Vermin Supreme is petitioning for an LP primary in New York? Only registered Libertarians can sign the petition. There are only 14,000 and something registered Libertarians in New York, which, in a state with over 19 million people, would be like finding needles in giant haystacks.

  6. I’ve heard there’s a NY State law that requires the winner of a primary to receive a certain number of pledged Delegates. Since LP National Bylaws prohibit binding of delegates, there may be a challenge to the entire NY Delegation if anyone gets on the primary ballot.

  7. Why is “Vermin 4 President” using the racist avatar of Beetlejuice, a retard who the satanic Howard Stern uses to make fun of African Americans? This is Black History Month!

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