Another West Virginia Bill to Ease Definition of Qualified Party

Two West Virginia State Senators have introduced SB 733. It eases the definition of “political party”, from a group that got 1% for Governor, to a group that got 1% for either Governor or President. The authors are Senator Charles Trump (R-Berkeley Springs) and William Ihlenfeld (D-Wheeling). Thanks to Jeff Becker for this news.

There is a bill pending in the House to also improve the definition of political party, HB 2169, but so far it hasn’t moved.


Another West Virginia Bill to Ease Definition of Qualified Party — 2 Comments

  1. This bill was reported out of committee yesterday, was read on the Senate floor for the first time today, and is scheduled for its second reading tomorrow. Three readings are necessary before it can be discussed and brought up for a vote, so likely on Friday. At that time, there is an opportunity to add amendments. An amendment to add a voter registration threshold as a third way for party qualification would be extremely significant. The West Virginia Libertarians are currently at 7538 and the Mountain (Green) Party is at 2314. One third of a percent like Oregon’s recent bill is 4074 in West Virginia, so 4000 would be a good number to use for such legislation. THIS FRIDAY IS VALENTINE’S DAY, so everyone please send some love to SB 733.

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