
Link to New Hampshire Presidential Primary Returns on Politico — 14 Comments

  1. @Andy,

    22 delegates. They are awarded proportionately, but there is a 10% threshold. Weld is below that.

  2. I would be willing to bet that even if Weld wins delegates in states, when it comes time for the actual convention, the rules will be changed and President Trump will get all the delegates. It will be similar to what Democrats did to the guy who challenged Obama in 2012.

  3. I see where the De La Fuente tag-team of Roque and Rocky got 12 Democrat votes and 137 Republican votes, respectively. Well OK then.

  4. Hoping to give Bill Weld a clear shot against Trump yesterday, Rocky De La Fuente didn’t actively campaign in New Hampshire and only filed in the Granite State in order to qualify for the March 3rd California Republican primary ballot.

    California had an early filing deadline and one of the requirements to appear in that state’s March 3rd primary was that a candidate had qualify for the primary ballot in at least one other state.

  5. The rules are already rigged against Weld. For his own delegates to be able to vote for him at the RNC, he must win pluralities in 5 or more states, which isn’t gonna happen.

  6. Weld made a mistake running as a Republican. He might actually have done better running as a Democrat. In any even, I expect him to start promoting Chafee for the LP nomination.

  7. Will Fuhrer TYRANT Trump permit ANY opposition of ANY party or independent to be alive in Nov 2020 ???

  8. Darcy, Thanks for that info. That sounds like typical California circular logic. Now if every state would just adopt that rule, we could quickly see an end to taxpayer-funded primaries. Make it so.

  9. @Jeff: Qualifying for another state’s ballot isn’t the only way to get on the California primary ballot, just the easiest way. So it’s not completely circular.

    What would be really circular would be for another state to adopt the New Hampshire law requiring that other state to have the first primary — the New Hampshire primary must be held “7 days or more immediately preceding the date on which any other state shall hold a similar election.” So if another state adopted the same requirement, they and NH could wind up each having to move their primaries farther and farther back, eventually having to schedule their 2024 primaries in 2019 or earlier.

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