Seattle Files Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Defense of its Vouchers Campaign Finance Program

On February 10, the city of Seattle filed this response in Elster v City of Seattle, 19-608. This is a case involving Seattle’s voucher system for public funding of campaigns for city office. Each registered voter has four $25 vouchers, and that voter is free to give them to any candidate for city office. The candidate can then turn them in for campaign cash, to help his or her campaign.

The money is raised by a property tax. The lawsuit was filed by a property taxpayer who argues that it violates the First Amendment to force him to pay a tax that goes toward helping a candidate he may not agree with.


Seattle Files Brief in U.S. Supreme Court in Defense of its Vouchers Campaign Finance Program — 3 Comments

  1. I only know we need substantial Public Funding of Elections, to stop the dreadful results of Citizens United (and McCutcheon v FEC, 2013). They have created worse and worse inequality, leading to the Oligarchy trump takes us into.

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