West Virginia Bill, Easing Definition of Qualified Party, Passes State Senate

On February 14, West Virginia bill SB 733 passed the State Senate by 24-7. It expands the definition of a qualified party, from a group that got 1% for Governor, to a group that got 1% for either President or Governor. West Virginia elects both offices in the same years. Thanks to Jeff Becker for this news.


West Virginia Bill, Easing Definition of Qualified Party, Passes State Senate — 7 Comments

  1. How many UNEQUAL ballot access laws ??? –

    old/new major/minor parties and independents — at least 5 types.

    How many useless M-O-R-O-N lawyers and judges since 1968 Williams v Rhodes ???

  2. Why can’t voters decide who is qualified or who isn’t when the cast their ballots? Why do duopoly legislators have to screen parties and candidates before voters are allowed to make choices? Because the duopoly parties use ballot access laws to suppress voters and channel the choices of those who do vote between Twiddle Dee fascists and Twiddle Dum fascists, aka Democrats and Republicans.

  3. They are unequal because we are a confederation of fifty free and independent States. If you don’t like it where you live, you are free to move to a different State. This is called the free market system. Competition always drives the best to the top.

  4. adding on a bit —

    How many UNEQUAL ballot access laws ???

    old/new major/minor parties and independents — at least 5 types

    – in VIOLATION of 14-1 EQUAL protection clause ???

    How many useless M-O-R-O-N lawyers and judges since 1968 Williams v Rhodes ???


    REAL *political* competition with PR, AppV and TOTSOP

    — to END the monarch/oligarch ROT since 1776 in the USA.

  5. Demo, if this really bothers you so much, you should try getting out of the house and actually doing something about it rather than just sitting there being a desk jockey and cyber-ranting all day.

  6. JB –

    The accumulated TOTAL ROT–

    UNEQUAL ballot access laws.
    ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders.
    Partisan HACK executive/judicial officers.
    Multiple FATAL violations of Separation of Powers.

    How about ranting to your national, state and local know-it-all [ie brain dead ignorant] media [and like folks in Law / Math / Polisci skoools] about the TOTAL ROT and see what responses [if any] you get.

    It took 1776 to 1860 [a mere 84 years] to cause the slavery ROT to get TOTAL attention from the then media.

    LAST HOPE — Only 18 of 50 States have voter petitions for state const amdts — being subverted nonstop by the gerrymander oligarch HACKS.

    The incumbent HACKS LOVE their EVIL monarch/oligarch POWER.

    USA – communist HACKS vs fascist HACKS — worse and worse since 1929 — nothing new.

    See esp Spain ROT 1931-1939, France ROT 1929-1940, Russia ROT 1905-1917, Germany ROT 1923-1933.

    The monarchs/oligarchs in the LP and Green parties are more of the same — see esp. their gerrymander structures and SOP violations.

    NOT all folks have $$$ Billions/Trillions to spend to END the ROT

    — before WW III happens – due to such monarchs/oligarchs — as in WW I and WW II.

    Any REAL reform effort will get the responses from MORONS / govt agents / trolls – as shown on BAN.

  7. SB 733 has now died in the House Judiciary committee during the “crossover” period. There are no more committee hearings scheduled since bills have to be read on the floor three times on three different days and only today, Friday and Saturday are left in this year’s regular session. Hopefully the language SB 733 with a modest voter threshold qualification provision can be re-introduced EARLY in next year’s session. But will the LIBERTARIAN AND MOUNTAIN (GREEN) PARTIES will actually get off their derrieres and lobby for it?

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