This Iowa news story mentions that the Iowa Libertarian Party registration has grown 84% since 2016, and notes that is far faster growth than either of the two major parties.
This Iowa news story mentions that the Iowa Libertarian Party registration has grown 84% since 2016, and notes that is far faster growth than either of the two major parties.
One-party System in California L.P. State Convention
Commentary by James Ogle for President
The approval voting system in single winner districts is demonstrated in the one-party faction where the biggest faction Hornberger claims majority but instead the bigger majority voted against Hornberger, 79 to 51.
The biggest majority of about 61% voted against Hornberger and Hornberger wants to snuff out the 61%. More than half of us attending were censored under the one-party system voting and we didn’t get equal time and equal treatment in that debate so to give the one-party system an ever biggest unfair advantage.
Results of the CA presidential straw poll…
Results are as follows:
Jacob Hornberger 51
Adam Kokesh 22
Lincoln Chafee 19
Jo Jorgensen 15
Mark Whitney 13
Vermin Supreme 8
Total 130 votes on an unkown number fewer than 60 paper ballots
Ogle, you have ZERO votes. Stop being a sore loser and give it up. Stop spamming.
BAN the MORON with its moron parrot fake names.
To clarfy, I did attract six votes on first day when given a three minute introduction, but only the top six vote getters advanced to stage two.
This is a one-party system but the Libertarian Party delegates won’t know because it’s extremely difficult to explain the math of avoiding the one-party and two-party voting systems worldwide.
The founders of Google don’t know either hense “click the go” which might be good for advertising but that cements the two-party system.
We are still trying to bring the correct math for pure proportional representation Electoral College, the team is small so should anyone want to be part of a small effort to bring pure proportional representation Electoral College please feel free to contact me anytime.
By United Coalition USA
Thirteen Items Approved for Unity Platform USA
By James Ogle for US President
See Marked Paper Ballot Totals:
* * *
Eliminate income taxes for all US citizens and repeal the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
Simultaneously pay down the USA deficit while spending is limited to within the budget after the resolutions for paying the deficit have been attained.
Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
Bill of Rights for Voting Equality
Equal Rights Amendment
Opposite gender #1 and consecutively ranked alternating genders thereafter with voluntary opt-in
Repeal the 17th Amendment of the US Constitution
Ratify Article the First
The Supreme Court decision to allow states to prohibit write-in voting in any election (Burdick v Takushi) must be challenged and reversed and the state monopoly of the ballot must be repudiated.
Ballot Anti-censorship Act
Uniform definition of Elector in ALL of the USA
New WTC-7 Investigation
Term Limits
* * *
top 1 –
PR — other stuff will follow quickly.