
Reason Magazine Article on Results of Libertarian Presidential Primaries of March 3 — 11 Comments

  1. LP being infected with D-R JUNK.

    NOOO primaries – esp *nonbinding* waste of time/effort primaries.


  2. The United Coalition USA is bringing the three-chair system and the two-Secretary system to the 538-member Electoral College in the Libertarian Party in 2020.

    In a five-member executive the threshold is 16.66% for each executive under pure proportional representation.

    The Libertarian Party blocked women in 2016 and the Johnson/Weld campaign brought about 18% female Electors.

    Men United to Nominate and Possibly Elect the First Woman for US President, us men are running for VP on a woman’s ticket and we increase female Presidential Electors to 33.33% so to bring female Electors voting power within the Libertarian Party.

    Voting going on now in the new pure proportional representation Electoral College:

    Heather Horst [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) Nebraska

    Demetra Jefferson Wysinger [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) Texas

    Kim Ruff [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) Arizona

    Jo Jorgensen [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) South Carolina

    Souraya Faas [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) Florida

    Lorraine Lynch [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) Texas

    Dakinya Jefferson [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) Texas

    Demondria Jefferson [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) Texas

    Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) California

    Geby Eva Espinosa [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) California

    PPR Electoral College Facebook Page
    * * *

  3. Paul, paulie. Paul Frankel,
    Are you still peddling the Vermin Supreme ruin the LP ticket puke?
    The only third party to regularly get full or nearly full ballot access,
    Therefore POSSIBLY able to win the election?
    Who for? Democrats/republicans? Russians/Israelis?
    Were you sitting near an exit at the LP convention in Orlando in 2016?
    Why? Quick exit should the bullets start flying?
    Was there supposed to be a terrorist attack on the LP via the lgbtq caucus?
    Which was then postponed to The Pulse Club?

  4. J.O. Ogle,
    Tell us about Tiffany Briscoe,
    and her campaign manager Pierre Crevaux.
    Covert operators to win the BTP nomination in 2012
    then ruin it by sitting on it?
    Not campign at all but rather go on a book writing sabbatical?
    Who for?
    Democrats/Republicans? Russians/Israelis?
    Is she gib? Good in bed?

  5. I agree with Paul – Vermin Supreme is a serious candidate, who just happens to be an effective user of political satire. Libertarians are #InOnTheJoke.

    Why do I think he is worthy of our votes? He has a demonstrated ability to attract support from a wide range of people. In addition to people who support freedom like myself and Libertarians generally, he appeals to people who have a sense of humor and want to express their feelings about the duopoly political system which has become a joke.

    As the subject of two documentary films and with millions of social media hits and followers, he is likely the most widely recognized contender in the race for the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination. When I walked around with him briefly in San Francisco last year, doing some informal campaigning, we encountered random people who knew who he was. I’m dubious whether that would have been true for any other Libertarian candidate.

    But these things wouldn’t be enough to make me support Vermin Supreme, if I hadn’t spent enough time with him to be convinced that he is a compassionate, intelligent, and freedom-loving individual whose head and heart are in the right places.

    Love & Liberty,

    ((( starchild )))
    Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco*

    *For identification purposes, the views expressed here are mine

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