Ed Kilgore has this article in New Yorker about thoughts on the major party national conventions this year, and how the corona virus might impact them.
Ed Kilgore has this article in New Yorker about thoughts on the major party national conventions this year, and how the corona virus might impact them.
Put ALL TOP DOOOOFUSSS MORON Elephants who never heard of QUARANTINE IN SKOOOL on a cruise ship owned by DJT ???
see olde Poseidon Adventure movie.
Not surprised MORON Thomas Jones is buying into this scare.
Without in any way condoning Trump’s handling of the coronavirus tonight or any night, WHO & CDC could help promote science literacy.
Virulence & lethality are two entirely separate things in the infectious disease world, just as volatility and flammability are diff in chemistry.
How many D-E-A-D from the CV-19 so-called scare so far ???
Some M-O-R-O-N-S never heard about BIO-W-A-R machinations by ALL major KILLER regimes — esp now with CRISPR ???
IE – did the CV-19 leak [intentionally or unintentionally] from a RED CHINA BIO-WAR lab in Wuhan ???
IE – how much HIV and Ebola parts in the CV-19 genome ???
HIV – still working on a cure for about 40 years since the senile MORON Reagan regime in 1981-1989.
Does the TYRANT MORON Trump have ANY bio brain cells ???
CV-19 mess on top of TYRANT Russia etc hacks and lies.
ONLY ALL mail ballots ASAP — to mess up having ANY late TV attacks ads ???
The incumbent HACKS [esp gerrymander hacks] in the USA would LOVE to stay in POWER FOREVER ??? —
ie NOOOO elections — due to all sorts of emergencies — health / economic / etc. ???
Master plan by DEVIL monarchs/oligarchs — under threat from Democracy folks ???
MORON Thomas Jones doesn’t realize most deaths in non third world countries are those over 80. You are more likely to die at that age from anything. He doesn’t leave his house anyway, so he can panic all he wants, but no reason to scare others because he is a MORON.
How many OVER 80 year olds are going to sports events — now being suspended/cancelled ???
IE- besides the many politics MORONS on this list, there are the know-it-all medical SUPER-MORONS.
being updated by the second ???
ONLY mail ballot elections NOW – indefinitely ???
Gee – today the Prez/Tyrant Trump has declared yet another *national emergency* about the CV-19 mess.
Was the MORON Frink consulted by PTT ???
Cover your nose as well as mouth with your bent elbow or a cells when you cough or sneeze. https://www.newshub.me