
Tulsi Gabbard Withdraws from Democratic Presidential Race — 14 Comments

  1. Too bad. She may outlive both Biden and Sanders. Maybe even sooner than you might expect.

  2. Men, we are expanding the Electoral College in California from 55 to 313 or more Electors under Article the First. Anyone from anywhere in USA can sign up by nominating your name, or someone else to represent you, and ultimately in later stages the Chair of the California State LP will determine the names.

    Tulsi might qualify and our executives will experience votes if confidence starting 4/20/2020 so everyone can take turns and have fun.

    The Libertarian One 2020

    Voting going on now, all Presidential, Vice Presidential and Electors as one big bunch coast to coast.

  3. So now cyberpig has switched back to “Gandalf Soprano.” What happened? Was “Joseph” too utterly destroyed by myself and Andy in debate?

  4. Another RED Donkey communist bites the dust ???

    Gandalf Soprano has direct access to the olde brain of JB ???

    Telepathy ???

  5. It doesn’t require telepathy. Gabbard is a non-starter. That has nothing to do with whether you like or dislike her or Biden. She’s simply not up for consideration, which is common knowledge among those who deal with or observe the political set.

  6. The OLDE/NEW Age *political set* —

    ALL stuff [machinations] behind closed doors — by definition ???

  7. It wouldn’t surprise me if Biden picked her. He will pick a female far more left than he is.

  8. Tulsi Gabbard never really had a legitimate chance to win. Here’s was a get the message out and build her name campaign. It should not be a surprise that she is out now. She only won like 2 or 3 dekegates last I heard.

    There is no way Biden would pick her for VP. She has “rattled the cage” of the establishment too much.

  9. Tulsi Gabbard ran to get two messages across. One – end the wars. Two – drop the silly red team / blue team mentality. Campaigning, she had little to say about anything else. Hers was a great campaign.

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