Federal Election Commission Again Updates Federal Primary Dates and Filing Deadlines

On April 2, the Federal Election Commission put out a new chart, showing primaries for federal office, and filing deadlines for candidates. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Federal Election Commission Again Updates Federal Primary Dates and Filing Deadlines — 19 Comments

  1. ??? = RQ by definition.

    The LAWLESS TYRANT in the Oval Office will decree whatever whenever.

  2. You speak nonsense. The President is the law, thus can never be lawless by definition. It makes perfect sense to suspend elections and rule by decree in a time of unprecedented crisis. If and when the economy has to also be nationalized in this time of war we are incredibly fortunate to have a highly experienced CEO, self made multibillionaire and the world’s greatest ever stable genius as our leader. In the holy name of President Trump, amen!

  3. Lol. “American nationalist” is a fake, probably the cyberpig, trying to make nationalists look bad.

  4. AN = one more 666 tyrant troll — like the 666 moron troll agents who love killer tyrants Putin and Xi.

  5. I am no fake, and you are the pig. It is treasonous to compare our President to foreigners.

  6. Tyrants are tyrants wherever they lurk and plot their control freak machinations – in 1 or more precincts or nation-states.


  7. *is the law* tyrants —

    Hitler in 1934-1945,

    olde Roman Emperors circa 200 AD [after dead Roman Senate abolished] to 476 AD [EVIL Empire destroyed]

  8. Can we ban foreigner languages here? I mean both this web board and this country. We need to all speak American period. If you can’t or won’t speak American don’t even come here or just leave.

  9. Oh yeah and before any smarty pants pipes up that we speak English. The hell we do. I done heard them English people talk and they don’t sound nothing like us. Send them back to England if they don’t talk American too. You put a few drinks on t-em and I can’t understand a word they say. So don’t even try to tell me we talk English. You want to talk English go to England. You want to stay in America talk American or get out. It’s that simple.

  10. @BL,

    In Texas, the Open Primary was used in November 1996 and November 2006 to elect some Representatives. This was after the district boundaries had been overturned. Any results from exclusionary partisan primaries earlier in the year were discarded.

    Re terminology see footnote 13, page 631 of United States Congressional Elections 1788-1997, Michael Dubin.

    Also page 694, special election for TX-22 (open primary and runoff). This was the event in which Ron Paul was first elected to Congress.

    Political parties are not extensions of the state and should not be treated as such.

  11. How about banning ALL ANTI-Democracy morons/hacks from BAN — like AN for starters ???

  12. 63 million people elected Donald Trump and fate elected him to see us through this time of war. After that he will be supported unanimously so there will be no need to waste time on elections and we can just crown him emperor. And then we can ban the tiny handful of malcontents who don’t like it, if any are left, from the country and then we can all listen to patriotic music and pledge allegiance to the President and thank him for doing a great job.

  13. A minority of 46.09 pct of voters in Nov 2016 elected Trump via the 538 gerrymander seats in the ANTI-Democracy minority rule 12 amdt electoral college.

    FEC, Federal Elections, 2016, p. 5.

    25.7 PERCENT OF THE VOTERS de facto ELECTED R PREZ TRUMP IN 2016 — 28 States and MECD2 = 270 of 538 ECV.

    Too many math MORONS to count.


  14. 306 electors but the important thing is that he is the second coming of Jesus in these end times and we must all follow him or else you get eternal damnation in the fiery pit of hell.

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