At approximately 5 p.m. Wisconsin time, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled 4-2 that the April 7 election for judicial offices should proceed. The State Supreme Court Justice who is running for re-election recused himself. See this story. Many polling places have no officials to open the voting site.
Here is the order, which does not explain the rationale.
How many COVID-19 DEAD via in person election in 7 Apr 2020 election in Wisc ???
Master KILLER plot by EVIL RR super DEVIL HACKS in POWER ???????? –
KILL off more Donkey voters than Elephant voters by Nov 2020 general election ????????
See Hitler death camps in 1939-1945 in WW II.
Can’t figure out which side demo rep is on here. He rants about lawless tyranny if the election is moved and democide if it isn’t. Whichever side his on, it’s catastrophic or downright apocalyptic if things don’t go his way, whatever that is.
Fucking evil.
Zed Jiggler fear mongering.
It would not surprise me if people standing a better chance of dying in a car accident on the way to the polls, than they do of catching Coronavirus at the polls and dying.
The same goes for a grocery store or a gas station.
Andy, think about the election officials who run the polls. They must sit there 15 hours and handle hundreds of pieces of paper, and be fairly close to hundreds of voters. Many polling place officials are elderly people.
What about grocery store clerks and gas station attendants? They encounter lots of people and they touch merchandise and money that has been handled by lots of people.
That is a good point about lots if poll workers being older people, because old people are in a higher risk category of dying from Coronavirus. The older poll workers should either wear masks and gloves, or stay home and be replaced by younger poll workers.
Reminder – major absentee ballots started in USA Civil WAR I —
for Union Army/Navy folks fighting ConFeds in southern States.
TOTAL EVIL by New Age tyrant Trump hacks.
Count the dead in WI in next 1-3 weeks —
My relative AZ in WI voted in person on 7 Apr 2020, caught CV19 and is now DEAD.
666 Trump LOVES DEAD Donkeys ???
Corona virus will infect about 200 million Americans and kill about 2 million in successive waves over the next 18 to 24 months. It may be a lot more if bogus cures like the malaria drugs trump and his cronies are investing in and shorting when the bad news breaks cause the virus to mutate and become more deadly. As it stands we’re probably looking at a 6 digit death total by May or June at the latest.
Agreed 100 percent with Jeremy.
Republicans are intentionally trying to make more people sick and die. The virus is disproportionately killing poor and non white folks, people more likely to live in crowded conditions, rely on public transport, have health issues, not have insurance, have jobs where they can’t work from home, older people …in other words disproportionately democrats. It’s not just the election, look at state by state closure orders, propaganda from limburgher and faux news even trump early on. It’s intentional genocide to keep themselves in power at any cost.
It’s time to start treating republicans and drumpf supporters as bioterrorists, fascists and agents of a hostile foreign power. It’s no exaggeration that is what Putin, trump and the gop are doing to this country.
It looks like more paid trolls have popped up here, or at least the same troll posting as “Michael”, “Nathan”, and “Oliver”.
You are the paid troll “Andy” or should I say andrey or whatever your real name is on your troll farm in Russia. What are you being paid to shill for Putin and cheato?
The name is Olivia you republican right wing ignoramus shill. Not Oliver or Michael or Nathan. Btw how is the weather in Russia this time of year.
Ignore the trolls. Coronavirus is a hoax just like the Russia hoax and the impeachment hoax. We have it completely contained and we like the numbers where they are. It’s going to magically disappear on its own some time in the next week. It’s just the flu and we want to see lots of packed churches this Sunday for Easter.
LOL! Oliver or Olivia, it makes no difference when both are fake names, probably from the same person.
You are the only one with the fake name “ANDY” MINE IS OLIVIA, REAL NAME THANK YOU.
Is the super-MORON DJT now posting his lunatic junk on BAN ???
— in addition to his nonstop lunatic Tweeter JUNK postings.
Jeez Andy demo rep you came out of left field with that one.
Has link to WI SCT ops.
Anybody NOT seen the TV attack ad against DJT and his MORON comments since CV-19 death curve has been going up and up and up for many weeks ???
DJT has his lawyer guard dogs trying to stop the ad — direct attack on 1 amdt in addition to the nonstop DJT attacks on USA congress, USA courts, many States, many foreign nations, all sorts of groups of folks, etc. —
a *****PERFECT**** arrogant MAAAAD tyrant of the olde type in BC times.
The Slatest
Memos Show the White House Knew in January Just How Bad the Coronavirus Could Get
The death documents continue to leak out.
Is DJT THE DUMBEST MORON ever in the Oval office ???
— even worse than the one or more MORONS on BAN — with their MORON changing names.
That’s weird I could of sworn you were “Andy” do to your comments on the Montana article. Well maybe your not. Anyway yes truly the cheato is a mad tyrant and a moron who lost the popular vote badly but cheated thanks to Putin and just barely won the anachronistic electoral vote, a vestige of slavery that lives on.
Olivia AKA cyberpig xaulie banali in drag.
Your Andy in drag you ignorant trumpsucker.
How much do you think Paul, or whoever this particular troll is, is getting paid to post this drivel here, and who do you think is paying them?
Cheeto knows what he is doing here. Look at the Senators who were caught downplaying the pandemic in public while telling their gazillionaire contributors the truth and dumping stocks early on. If the Trump family finances were not kept secret to conceal their habitual abuse of public office for private gain in violation of the emoluments clause I bet we would see the same thing.
Genocide for profit, a new low.
Andy it would be better of you told us what you actually know, how much the Russian government is paying you to post your drivel.
Lol even trump now admits 100,000 to 240,000 deaths but it will be much higher since the model he is using assumes perfectly efficient social distancing and we all know that is not reality. You far right nut jobs are living in denial dreamland. Wake up.