Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Will Hear Ballot Access Case on Thursday, April 16

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court will hear oral arguments by phone at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 16, in Goldstein v Galvin.  This is the case that asks for relief for primary petitions.  The Court wants both sides to discuss electronic signatures.  However, that seems impractical, because the primary petitions for state legislature are due April 28, and it takes time to set up procedures for something so new to Massachusetts.  The plaintiffs, who are Democrats and Republicans, want a cut in the number of signatures, and/or more time.  The primary is not until September 1.

The Governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, favors relief, but the Secretary of State and Democratic leadership in the House do not.  The leader of the State Senate does favor relief.  A bill for relief, HD 4981, has not made any headway.


Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Will Hear Ballot Access Case on Thursday, April 16 — 1 Comment

  1. Democracy depends on the ability of voters to be able to choose among a complete slate of candidates. kThere are already too many uncontested races in Massachusetts.

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