Connecticut Secretary of State Hopes All Presidential Primary Candidates Will Withdraw, so June 2 Primary Can be Cancelled

According to this story, Connecticut won’t hold a presidential primary if all the candidates withdraw.  However, so far, Bernie Sanders seems to want to remain on the ballot for that primary.  Also, so far, Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard haven’t withdrawn from the Democratic primary either.

Also, Rocky De La Fuente hasn’t withdrawn from the Republican primary.

The non-presidential primary in Connecticut is August 11.


Connecticut Secretary of State Hopes All Presidential Primary Candidates Will Withdraw, so June 2 Primary Can be Cancelled — 12 Comments

  1. If Trump was Presidential he should Withdraw in CT

    He does not need CT (28) delegates he has won all so far

    Except 1 Lost one in Iowa

    He also STOLE 7 primaries (which where Canceled by the GOP ) Arizona 57, Alaska 29, Hawaii 19, Kansas 39, Nevada 25,, South Carolina 50, Virginia 48.
    and the GOP stole 7 more when they refuse to include
    All other candidate’s on the ballot except Trump (Georgia 76, Minesota 39, Maine 22, Washington 43, North Dakota 29, Wisconsin 52, New York 94.

  2. How dare you criticize our perfect President in a time of war ?! That would be grounds for exile or execution, or at the very least rendition to a secret dungeon and torture, if it wasn’t for all the swamp creatures, fake news and other deportables holding up progress. Hopefully it will be very, very soon.

  3. Cancel all primary as well as general elections. Ideally Mr. Trump should be made emperor or at least president for life and rule by decree. Second best would at least be to declare martial law and suspend elections and congress until the crisis is over. And of course if anyone doesn’t like it, lock them up.

  4. I forgot to mention that courts at all levels and all state and local governments need to be replaced with military patrols, check points and tribunals and detention camps, the sooner the better.

  5. Is AN based in Russia or China or a mere mole / troll in the USA — with a vast following of NSA/FBI agents – recording its every move ???


  6. I know you are but I’m just a patriotic American who loves this country and our President, who as he has told us many times is the second coming of Jesus and destined to be God Emperor for thousands of years, with all my heart. There will be many trials and tribulations in the years ahead, with foreigners, democrats and liberals as our enemies. But I’m the end we will win with Trump and make America the promised kingdom of heaven.

  7. I wonder how much money “American Nationalist” gets paid to post this nonse here.

  8. I get paid nothing, unlike you. Greedy foreign trolls like you can’t even consider anyone being motivated by true passion and love of country, God and President (but I repeat myself as they are one and the same). The only thing your withered souls can imagine as a reason to believe anything is money. And it’s that difference between us which is why the USA will prevail in the ultimate war of civilizations with your craphole countries and establish the promised kingdom of heaven spoken of in the holy bible with Trump as God Emperor for millennia. Amen.

  9. Is D. Trump [6] the third 666 ANTI-Christ [after Napoleon and Hitler] is the real question.

    Competitors –
    V. Putin [6], J. Biden [6], more ?
    NO emperors – NO tyrants. Thank you very much.

  10. Demon rep you are blaspheming against our divine leader. Repent while you still can. There is still a chance you could be spared the eternity of unimaginable pain and suffering in the lowest circle of hell which awaits all who do not repent and accept Donald Trump as their Lord and savior in time.

    If you wait too long, you will either dir on your own or be rounded up and executed as an enemy combatant. After you finally did the most slow and painful death modern technology can perfect, your torture will be just beginning because you will then start to experience even more horrible torture in the pit of hell so horrible there are no words to describe it. You will then cry out to Donald Trump eternally and beg him for forgiveness. But it will be too late. Repent now while you still can.

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