Wisconsin State Supreme Court Election Results

The most important office on the ballot in Wisconsin on April 7 was the State Supreme Court race run-off.  Even though it is technically non-partisan, it is in reality intensely partisan, with a Republican incumbent running for another term against a Democratic candidate.  Here are the New York Times results, which shows the Democrat is leading, with 50% of the precincts reporting..

The Republican is Dan Kelly; the Democrat is Jill Karofsky.

No state seems to have such a partisan State Supreme Court as Wisconsin.  The Wisconsin judicial election system is a textbook example of why making elections technically non-partisan does not actually remove partisanship from that election.


Wisconsin State Supreme Court Election Results — 11 Comments

  1. partisan legis via PR

    NONPARTISAN execs / judics via APPV — pending Condorcet.

  2. Mich SCT hacks —

    partisan nominations — total fraud so called nonpartisan elections

    = nonstop over-ruling of MULTIPLE cases when party hack control changes.

    Result- about ZERO cites of Mich SCT in fed courts and other state courts.

  3. Looks like the conservative-Republican efforts to suppress the vote had the opposite effect. Wisconsites were probably so upset with the suppression tactics that they came out in higher numbers to vote against the candidate who the suppression tactics were designed to help. Did you see the pictures of those long lines of Wisconsites waiting in lines 6-feet from one another to vote?

    CONGRATS TO THE winner on a great victory for the people of the Cheese Head state!

  4. Turnout – from WI blog above

    How does that compare to previous Spring Elections with Presidential Preference Primary votes (and recent Spring Elections without a presidential primary * )?

    Spring Election
    Ballots Cast



  5. Yes Sam. Unless there was voting fraud from the large number of mail-in ballots.

  6. Thank you Demo Rep for these stats!

    The relevant comparison is 2012, the last time an incumbent President was running for reelection. Turnout was 26.1% that year, so the the turnout of 34.3% this year is very high especially in light of COVID-19. So, the suppression tactics may well have backfired!

    Mail-in ballot fraud could not have increased the numbers. To the contrary, many voters requesting mail-in ballots never got em, or got em after the election, so the mail-in element decreased turnout.

  7. ALL secret paper mail ballots.
    Oregon etc survive.

    NO more disease filled over-heated polling places.

    Olde poll workers can do something else useful –
    esp. teaching kids about Democracy.

  8. Do you have any figures on the cost of a mail only election versus polling place election?

    I wouldn’t be surprised if when you take the cost of mailing a ballot to each voter vs. all the labor cost of paying poll workers; moving all the equipment to the 1000s of polling places & printing ballots for every registered voter & a myriad of other Election Day forms, it might come out cheaper mailing ballots every voter than conducting an in-person polling place election.

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