U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Hear Delaware Case that Bars Independents from Judicial Office Until October 2020

On October 13, the U.S. Supreme Court said that it won’t hear Carney v Adams, 19-309, until October 2020 at the earliest.  This is the case over the Delaware law that says most judicial offices can only be filled by people who are registered in a political party that has at least 5% of the state registration.

This case would have been argued on March 25, 2020, but then the Court postponed it and various other cases.  Later the court picked out ten particular cases that had been postponed and said it will hear them in May 2020.  But Carney v Adams was not one of those cases.

On April 15, the Court set oral arguments for the ten special cases.  Among them are the two cases over President Trump’s tax returns, and the two cases involving presidential electors.  The tax returns cases will be argued Tuesday, May 12.  The presidential elector cases will be argued Wednesday, May 13.


U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Hear Delaware Case that Bars Independents from Judicial Office Until October 2020 — 1 Comment

  1. More judic HACKS for more months/years in little DE.

    NONPARTISAN APPV for judics. – pending Condorcet.

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