Richard Brodsky, New York Attorney Who Won Lawsuit Against Restrictive Ballot Access Rules in March 2020, Dies

Richard Brodsky died on April 8, 2020.  See this New York Times obituary.  He was 63.  He was the attorney for the Working Families Party who won the lawsuit Hurley v Public Campaign Finance & Election Commission on March 12, 2020.  That lawsuit invalidated the 2019 restrictions on ballot access for small political parties.

That court win was effectively canceled on April 1, 2020, when Governor Cuomo put the same restrictions into the state budget, which passed the legislature that day and was also signed into law that day.


Richard Brodsky, New York Attorney Who Won Lawsuit Against Restrictive Ballot Access Rules in March 2020, Dies — 2 Comments

  1. Just the case filed by the SAM Party, which only challenges the requirement that all parties must poll 130,000 votes for President in 2020, or 2%, whichever is greater. SAM says that violates its rights because it has no interest in running anyone for president. The case is in federal court and is moving very slowly.

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