Andrew Yang Sues to Restore New York Democratic Presidential Primary

On April 28, Andrew Yang sued New York over the cancellation of the state’s presidential primary. Yang v New York State Board of Elections, s.d., 1:20cv-3325.

The complaint is technically flawed. Under the Eleventh Amendment, the defendant can’t be solely a state or a state agency. The defendants must include some individual state office-holders. However, it is easy at this stage for the complaint to be amended. Also, the Complaint is dated April 28, 2011, but the authors of the complaint clearly meant to show April 28, 2020. Thanks to Political Wire for this news. The case is not yet assigned to a judge.


Andrew Yang Sues to Restore New York Democratic Presidential Primary — 4 Comments

  1. The SCOTUS MORONS have failed since 1795 to detect that the LAW in 11 Amdt cases is ONLY state LAW —

    NOT the USA Const, NOT USA laws, NOT USA treaties.

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