Connecticut Governor Cuts All Candidate Petitions to 70% of Normal

On May 11, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont cut the number of signatures for candidate petitions to 70% of the normal requirement. He also extsended the deadline by two days. The order applies both to primary petitions and general election petitions.

For general election petitions for president, this cuts the number from 7,500 to 5,250. The deadline moves from August 5 to August 7.

The order also suspends the need for notarization of petition sheets. Thanks to several people for this news.

The Libertarian and Green Parties were already on the ballot for president, which is the only statewide race up this year. But it affects most of their nominees for U.S. House and legislature and local partisan office. The Secretary of State had recommended that the Governor also say that if a party is on the ballot for at least one statewide race, then it is on for all partisan office this year. But the Governor did not promulgate that idea. This is especially disappointing to the Working Families Party and the Independent Party, which are on for most statewide offices, but not president.


Connecticut Governor Cuts All Candidate Petitions to 70% of Normal — 1 Comment

  1. HOW MANY UNCONSTITUTIONAL election LAW changes by execs/judics using the CV-19 excuse ???

    See election related stuff in 4 July 1776 DOI — TYRANT machinations.

    Legis power is in legis bodies.

    ALL this stuff is 666 stuff by soon to be killer execs — totally destroying private biz — making ALL folks directly dependent on ststist killers / DEVILS for water, food, clothing, shelter ???

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