U.S. Supreme Court Hears Presidential Elector Cases

The U.S. Supreme Court heard both cases on the electoral college on the morning of May 13. Justice Stephen Breyer seemed to feel that the court should not decide the issue, because of a technicality. But assuming the court does decide the issue, it seems somewhat more likely that the court will rule against presidential elector autonomy and in favor of the states of Washington and Colorado.


U.S. Supreme Court Hears Presidential Elector Cases — 24 Comments

  1. Don’t know what you’re basing that prediction on, Richard, but I sure hope you’re wrong!

  2. If the court rules in favor of Washington and Colorado than they’re nothing but a bunch of crackheads.

  3. Justice Elena Kagan seems to feel that the Constitution is ambiguous, and if it’s ambiguous, the court probably will be inclined to leave the status quo intact, in which some states have no law against elector freedom, some states say the electors must vote for the popular vote winner in their state but have no penalty of they don’t, some states fine electors who don’t vote as expected, and some states replace such electors on the spot with someone else. In other words, the usual patchwork that is true for so many types of election law, in which even though the election is for federal office, the states all have their separate laws.

  4. How many Dred Scott type ops do the SCOTUS HACKS love to make ???
    ABOLISH the ANTI-Democracy EC —

    1 of the 3 ANTI-Democracy minority rule USA gerrymander systems created by the small and slave State oligarchs in the top secret 1787 Fed convention behind closed doors.
    NONPARTISAN APPV for exec/judic offices – pending Condorcet.

  5. Thought the article at SCOTUSblog was pretty good.

    My two points of concern:

    1. This is a bit like the convention/binded delegates argument. Why can’t the parties do a better job picking their electors if this is a concern? Just make the State Party Central Committee the electors. It confounds me how tightly controlled political parties are about certain aspects to allow for zero dissent intra-party (like at Conventions), and then on the other hand they do little screening for who they pick on things like presidential elector.
    2. If it’s explicitly written “thou shall vote for the candidates that won a plurality”, it means electors have zero discretion. Which is fine…except when it isn’t. Twice in this country’s history we’ve had candidates die between the election and the Electoral College. 1872 with Horace Greeley and 1912 with Taft’s Vice President. Now in both cases, they lost, so it didn’t affect anything. But the precedent was established with Greeley that votes cast for dead candidates were disqualified.

  6. Faithless MORON–

    I do not give a damn that 60-100 pct of voters voted for the AA Prez Electors in my State –

    I am the DEVIL’s tool and will vote for ZZ for Prez [and his stooge VP XX] — who gets 270 of 538 EC votes as a result.

    How many DEAD in resulting Civil WAR II ????

  7. If their purpose is to be automatons, why do you need human beings at all? It’s not hard to have a formula crunch the numbers. In the old days it had to be done on paper, but it’s not like it was beyond the capacity of 18th century mathematical knowledge. A single letter transmitted by horse, in those days, would have been a great deal less trouble than gathering a bunch of people from across the state.

    They vote separately for president and vice president. Why is that if the intent is just to have them affirm the vote which already took place?

  8. Steve — special group of 12 AMDT hacks to report the STATE results — not mere Guvs or SOS.

  9. IF the party hacks in the States wanted *independent* 12 Amdt electors, then such 12 Amdt Electors would be elected with NO party labels or Prez/VP names connected with them.

    see again 14-1 deny / abridge.

  10. So why separate votes for P and VP? Why even have flesh and blood electors at all?

  11. Would have been simple enough to do away with electors and proscribe giving each state a certain number of votes based on the combined number of representatives and senators from that state, to be communicated by letter to Congress…no?

  12. 1787 State oligarchs wanted State oligarchs picking Prezs –
    like electoral colleges for picking Germany and Poland kings..

    NEAR ZERO about REAL Democracy in 1787 USA Const —

    Fed govt oligarchs of, by and for the State oligarchs — esp taxes — on the poor.

  13. “Who is the troll ‘Ban Demo Rep’?”

    I wondered if it was the same person playing the role of “Egyptian God”.

  14. Based on the anti-Demo Rep diatribe from Zed Jiggler a couple weeks ago, I think it’s him.

  15. I don’t either but I still think the troll ban demo rep is the troll Egyptian’s mother. It just seems like the most logical possibility and I’ve seen no good argument against it.

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