Washington State Relaxes Rules for the Presidential Petition

Washington state requires 1,000 signatures for independent presidential candidates, and the presidential nominees of unqualified parties. All signatures normally must be gathered in “meetings”, which are really petitions circulated (generally outdoors) at a particular location. The location must be announced in a newspaper notice at least ten days before the meeting. Presidential petitioning can take place in multiple locations.

On June 9, because of the health crisis, the Secretary of State issued an emergency regulation, deleting the requirement that the petition-signing must occur at such “meetings”. However, the newspaper notice must still be run, telling interested voters how they can sign the petition. Here is the Emergency Rule, which is only in effect this year. Thanks to Rambudo for the link.


Washington State Relaxes Rules for the Presidential Petition — 1 Comment

  1. One-party System Insiders
    By James Ogle for US President or Vice President and LNC Vice Chair

    All past voting including LNC “Delegate Tokens” and all votes where enumerations (1,2,3,4,etc.) weren’t used are deemed “democratically not legit” by the United Coalition USA.

    Unless one-man-one-vote, Droop Quota with one vote per Electors/Delegates for two seats Prez/VP is used correctly, the votes are not legitimate.

    No one-party and two-party voting systems are legitimate because America is a melting pot and one-party and two-party voting systems are unacceptable.

    The insider power-grab, orchestrated by the L.P. bosses in D.C. and California, was a typical action where favorite candidates get priority so that the insider party bosses can cheet and claim the bully pulpit from the outsiders.

    The United Coalition USA has been bringing the correct math for pure proportional representation Electoral College and we elected our team after two years of traveling to California State LP conventions 2018 to 2020.

    Equal time and equal treatment for all 538 Presidential Electors of whom the sixty-plus Presidential candidates are also participants is an important part of the recipe.

    For anyone seeking competition in elections including Libertarian Party elections, we have good news for you, the game isn’t over.

    The LNC one-party system is in our way.

    There’s a chance the American voters can bust past the concrete bunkers for the first time.

    The voters still have options.

    First we get past the Libertarian one-party system where only party bosses get to debate in California, obtain tokens and appear on the LNC Zoom debate, and next we bring our policies to the voters.

    The Independent One 2020 campaign is still alive and bringing accountability into the conversation.

    To defeat the male-dominated Libertarian Party Electoral College we simply nominate a female name ahead and behind our own names and then we can start to increase the percent of Electors with female names higher than the 18% levels brought by Johnson/Weld 2016:


    Independent One 2020

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