The Reform Party had set its presidential convention for June 13, but the party has postponed it to an undetermined date. The party is only on the ballot in Florida and Mississippi. The convention was going to be virtual.
UPDATE: the convention will be on June 20. Thanks to Independent Political Report for that news.
The Alliance Party website says that the Reform Party of Florida has merged into the Alliance. Did the Reform Party of Florida disaffiliate, or is something else going on?
Why was it postponed?
I don’t know the answer to either of these good questions. Maybe someone else does.
Search for info ???
Too bad that 1992 RP could not see 2020 results – passed on Jul 2019.
I really wish the Reform Party would cease to exist. I say this as someone who loved Ross Perot and loved the idea of the Reform Party. But, its existence now just takes away from its legacy when it had some relevance. There is a need for a centrist party in America, but the Reform Party isn’t going to just take off again. The last decade should be a hint.
Well apparently they’ve elected new party officers. Nicholas Hensley is now chair, or will be at least.
The Alliance Party no longer lists the Reform Party of Florida as merged into the party, and Joe Wendt is no longer listed as the FL state chair of the Alliance.
How many rightwing/*centrist* parties now ??? –
More ???
More folks wanting to big/small cheeses in small parties ???
Keeps footnote folks busy.
Kinda makes you miss the SLP, doesn’t it?
Is Rocky seeking their endorsement?
Yes. Actually, their nomination.
Rocky De La Fuente – Alliance Party/American Delta Party
Max Abramson – Veterans Party of America
Souraya Faas
Phil Collins – Prohibition Party
The convention will reconvene this Saturday, presumably to nominate a presidential ticket.
I was reading that the Reform Party of Florida, along with several other parties merged into the Alliance Party. Could be interesting to see if the national reform party decides on someone other than De La Fuente as i would imagine the Reform Party of Florida will give De La Fuente their ballot line and could create another split in the party.
If the Alliance Party takes over the Reform Party of Florida it is stealing ballot access from the Reform Party that the Florida party gained with use of the Reform Party name. It would reflect very poorly on the Alliance Party.
William, they may have the attitude that it gets them on the ballot and they don’t care how. I could be wrong on that. If the Reform Party USA nominates Rocky then obviously that makes more sense for him to be on the ballot in Florida under the Reform Party
According to the party’s Facebook, the four candidates seeking the nomination are Max Abramson, Rocky De La Fuente, Souraya Faas, and Ben Zion.
Yes. It’s been reported at IPR.
Any idea on who the leader would be right now?
De La Fuente is the favorite since he was the last nominee but the party has never nominated a candidate twice. Some in the party are dissatisfied with De La Fuente and want something different. Faas is most likely to benefit from this and has a decent shot at becoming the party’s first female presidential nominee, especially if she does well in the Q&A session. Abramson has upset some of the delegates and probably doesn’t have much of a chance. I know nothing about Ben Zion.
Do you have any connection to De La Fuente at this time?
He paid you numerous times from 2017-2018.
Does the reform party national nomination have anything to do with who the Mississippi party puts on the ballot for president? Is there any guarantee the Florida party will listen to them if they put on someone other than Rocky?
Excellent point, Inquiry!
Inquiring minds Want to know.
I believe the American Delta Party is also qualified in Mississippi.
The dying gasps of a near dead entity. I will have to revert to my characterization of them as the Deform Party. Through manipulation and subterfuge, they have trashed any serious efforts at reform. They have thrown their lot in with petty tyrants everywhere. Now, hear the death rattle growing louder, waiting for the last gasp. Bury the stinking corpse already!