U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Libertarian Party Case on Primary Ballot Access

On June 15, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Arizona Libertarian Party v Hobbs, 19-757. The Ninth Circuit had upheld a law that kept all Libertarians off their own party’s primary ballot for all congressional and state office in 2016 and 2018 (and has done so again in 2020). As a result, there are no minor party candidates for Congress in Arizona this year for Congress (because there are no other minor parties on the ballot in Arizona).

The U.S. Supreme Court has not accepted a cert petition on ballot access filed by a minor party or independent candidate since 1991.

UPDATE: see this article about the refusal to hear the case, at Arizona Law.


U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Hear Arizona Libertarian Party Case on Primary Ballot Access — 12 Comments

  1. To clarify that last sentence — you’re talking about situations where the *appeal* was filed by the minor party/independent, correct?

  2. ONE more DISASTER — due to the same olde LOSING LP lawyers with BAAAAADE arguments.

    ALL State hacks can now copy the AZ law ??? –to purge ALL minor parties OFF ballots ???

    ANY chance to get a NEW LP LNC with SOME legal brain cells to PURGE such olde LOSING LP lawyers ???

    Women to Get Voting Power
    By James Ogle for US President or Vice President and LNC Vice Chair

    Women, the men of the United Coalition USA, will be showing you the way to victory in 2020.

    We’re expecting to increase the level of female Libertarian Party Presidential Electors above the 2016 Johnson/Weld campaign level of about 18%.

    The LNC currently requires that around 55% Electors be women in order to nominate Prez or VP under approval voting (AppV).

    We have a new plan called the “539-party system”.

    Our team uses limited voting where any faction of 33.33% plus one vote can nominate either Prez or VP.

    Since the LNC party bosses don’t want the competition, they pretended by electing a female name on the Mises nominee ticket, but female Electors aren’t increasing under that ticket much less the liberty to pick any word by their own name.

    The math of the three-party system requires we eliminate one-party slates in all plurality elections worldwide but so far the USA LNC party bosses blocked this message in 2020.

    The insiders want us to believe there was only one L.P. female Prez candidate and no female L.P. Vice Presidential candidates when there were actually ten who filed the correct papers. Nine female names filed Form 2 with FEC and two LNC filed for US President with CA SoS (One filed in both cases). There might be more and we need more good women as Electors from all parties and independents.

    While the ten names are listed with links on my personal campaign page near bottom, my personal campaign was blocked and snuffed out for two years, they didn’t allow our competition on the same stage.

    My campaign was deleted from LP Facebook pages and LNC Zoom calls so that delegates would never know about these women who compete.

    Now several of those ten women switched parties but our team allows those liberties.

    We want to bring in more female Ds and Rs, to increase levels of female Electors, all we do is write-in a female name ahead of your name and then again after your name, and we can bring more good competition.

    Any males self-nominating or being nominated must have a female name before and after so to demonstrate teamwork.

    See the 2016 Electors, nine States plus DC, were 100% male Electors:


    Everyone might start hearing more about how everyone wins with the “female split-vote problem” in 2020 and the 539-party system.
    * * *

  4. What about all the people who are not male or female? Why don’t you ditch the duogendry and implement a 539 gender system? You have been asked before and keep dodging the question. Why are you running away?

  5. I believe he is busy studying PLAS at the moment. He’ll get back to you later!

  6. Please Let All Sexes count. That would be the only way to truly do the correct math.

  7. Demo Rep actually makes a good (but scary) point. Why wouldn’t other states just adopt Arizona’s ballot laws? It would more effectively eliminate competition than Jim Riley’s personal favorite… Top Two. It appears to have already been blessed by SCOTUS.

  8. Many states don’t have primaries for third parties. Some don’t have primaries at all. Relatively few states have candidates of any party have to get significant numbers of signatures for a primary. And even some of those allow a different option for third party candidates.

  9. NOOO primaries.

    EQUAL general election ballot access nom pets for all individual candidates.

    PR and Appv

  10. CO —

    DNC/RNC hacks — too evil rotted/stupid–

    unable to give command do or die orders to state hacks to copy ALL UNEQUAL ballot access laws that get hack court approval.

    Partly due to divide and conquer machinations — esp in marginal State regimes — esp marginal gerrymander areas..

    2016 Trump and Clinton — both under 50 pct in about 8 States.

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