Illinois State Board of Elections Asks Seventh Circuit to Reverse All the Ballot Access Relief Won on April 23

On June 8, the Illinois State Board of Elections asked the Seventh Circuit to reverse all the ballot access relief granted to minor party and independent candidates back on April 23. The State Board even wants to remove the statewide nominees of the Libertarian and Green Parties, even though they agreed to this in April. In the Seventh Circuit, the case is 20-1961.

Ordinarily an appeal must be filed within 30 days, but the state was able to delay its decision to appeal, because in the interim period, the State had asked for a modification of the April 23 relief. That extended the deadline for the state to appeal. Although the U.S. District Court Judge mostly refused to revise her earlier ruling, she did move the new petition deadline from August 7 to July 20. But that didn’t satisfy the state, and now it wants all relief reversed.

Here is the June 15 brief of the minor party and independent candidates, opposing any change by the Seventh Circuit.

UPDATE: here is the June 15 brief of Kyle Kopitke, independent presidential candidate who has intervened in the case on the side of the plaintiffs.


Illinois State Board of Elections Asks Seventh Circuit to Reverse All the Ballot Access Relief Won on April 23 — 2 Comments

  1. I find what Illinois is doing here absolutely outrageous. I hope that the seventh circuit sees it that way, and I hope that they award attorneys fees to the plaintiffs for the state acting in such bad faith.

  2. This Country is no longer Free.
    We are just as fixed as those corrupt countries the USA looks at and despises, we fight for their freedom and most of the time we are looked up to. Now, were filthy and lost all credibility due to decisions like this. Corruption has fractured Justice.

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