Socialist Equality Party Will Attempt to Place Presidential Nominee on Illinois Ballot

The Socialist Equality Party has announced plans to attempt to place its presidential nominee on the Illinois ballot. See this press release. The presidential nominee is Joseph Kishore.

No party with “socialist” or “socialism” in its name has been on the ballot for statewide office in Illinois since 1992, when the Socialist Workers Party was on.


Socialist Equality Party Will Attempt to Place Presidential Nominee on Illinois Ballot — 6 Comments

  1. On the statewide ballot yes, but the last time a party with socialist in the name appeared on the 2006 ballot, was in 2006 when a Socialist Equality candidate appeared on the ballot in a state senate race.

  2. S word — obsolete in USA since RED commies took over the RED Donkeys in 1929-1932.

    Hmm — was the S word in the name of the dead 1922-1991 USSR regime and the 1933-1945 nazi party in Germany ???

    USA even more rotted than such 2 regimes ???
    Warfare / welfare / lunatic govt deficits and debts, etc.

  3. One of the most important functions of an election is to provide a public forum for the discussion and evaluation of critical issues. At this time, with endless wars abroad, increased domestic repression and slashed social spending, the inability (worldwide) to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic or climate change, the concern of both parties seems to be on shoveling money to Wall Street and sending workers back prematurely, socialized murder as Engels called it.
    The SEP offers the way out by telling the working class the truth; that capitalism is a system which is incapable of being reformed and workers therefore need to organize to solve these issues themselves, and that requires knowing what it is you are fighting. To do that the place to turn is the SEP through its daily publication:

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