
Aloha Aina Party Has 14 Legislative Candidates on Ballot in Hawaii — 10 Comments

  1. Hawaiian nativism packaged into New Ageism and sold as politics.

    Barf me.

  2. Secession for HI ??? —

    after the USA invasion and overthrowing of olde HI regime.

    1893-1898 USA imperialist machinations —

    ie get CONTROL of Pearl Harbor for USA Navy machinations in the Pacific Ocean + cheaper pineapples.

  3. Let’s see if they’ll have the same electoral success as the Alaskan Independence Party.

  4. The Alaskan Independence Party elected the Governor in 1990, and in 1992 it elected a state legislator.

  5. Predicton: they will be as successful as the Vermont Progressive Party in local office elections within a couple cycles.

  6. Richard, any chance they have a ballot line for president and if so any ideas who they would nominate? Or they just going to stick to state races?

  7. It wouldn’t make sense for a secessionist party to have a candidate for president of the occupying foreign power.

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