California Legislature Passes Bill to Send Every Active Registered Voter a Postal Ballot

On June 18, the California legislature passed AB 880, which provides that every active registered voter will receive a postal ballot. This is not a big change for California, because already 75% of the registered voters receive a postal ballot. Some counties were already following that procedure, and in other counties, a large share of the voters had signed up to automatically receive a postal ballot. Thanks to Rick Hasen for this news. Assuming the Governor signs this bill, it will take effect immediately. UPDATE: the Governor signed the bill on June 18.


California Legislature Passes Bill to Send Every Active Registered Voter a Postal Ballot — 14 Comments

  1. It’s interesting how politicians are trying to make it easier to vote, on one hand, but providing fewer and fewer actual choices on the ballot by restricting ballot access. Are we approaching Communist style show elections?

  2. CA – Elephants almost extinct —

    RED commies about to eat each other.

    See Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot. etc. purges.

    See olde Animal Farm book – short — some RED PIGS are more Equal than other RED PIGS.

  3. When I lived in Oregon from 2000 to 2004 all State and Federal elections were done by mail. During those four years turn out was around 85% and I never heard of a single instance of voter fraud.

    If there had been ANY irregularity either the Democratic or Republican parties would have screamed bloody murder. Not a peep. Everyone voting by mail instead of waiting in line at a polling station is the best way to go.

  4. A famous person once said “it doesn’t matter who votes it’s who counts the votes that matters.” I have seen that quote attributed to Josef Stalin but I’m not sure why he would have said it.

  5. How many actual choices are on the ballot in Oregon? How many contested offices? Vote fraud is irrelevant if there are no choices that really matter.

  6. @ Consti Lib: Today’s American pols have a better racket. Here, it’s who PRINTS the ballots ahead of time that matter.

  7. When I was in Oregon Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, and Independents were on my ballots. I can’t remember if Greens were there, but it is possible.

    Another thing I liked about Oregon was that the State printed a voters guide that was mailed to every registered voter. It contained information and platforms of each candidate written by the candidates as well as a statement from each political party on the ballot and a pro and con statement on each State Question.

    I think the Oregon system is superior to anything I have seen in other States.

  8. The biggest objection to vote by mail from the Republicans is the possibility of fraud. After 20 years of only voting by mail in Oregon and other States there almost 0 instances of fraud.

    While I was in Oregon I was a poll watcher for the Jackson County Republican party. There were plenty of others from each party or individual campaign. Regardless of Stalin, there were no real problems counting votes.

  9. WZ –

    How many gerrymander HACKS in OR regardless of how ballots are counted ???

    IE — rigged results.

  10. When I lived in Oregon I did not see much gerrymandering. The districts seemed to me to have been drawn in a reasonable manner. I absolutely say that none of the elections where I voted in Oregon were rigged.

  11. 1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander areas = AUTOMATIC 1/4 minority rule CONTROL rigged result.



    IT SHOWS — pending/actual Civil WAR II.

    PR = both majority rule and minority representation.

  12. Imagine thinking mail ballots are the real problem. That’s more than obvious propaganda on behalf of trump trying to steal another election if it doesn’t turn out out to be so close that his foreign dictator friends and bogus fbi investigations of his opponents can steal it for him.

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