President Trump Campaign Wants Commission on Presidential Debates to Revise Schedule

Last year, the Commission on Presidential Debates set the deadlines for three general election presidential debates, and one vice-presidential debate. Now President Trump’s campaign wants four presidential debates, and wants the first debate to be earlier than September 29. See this story. The Biden campaign does not want any change.


President Trump Campaign Wants Commission on Presidential Debates to Revise Schedule — 18 Comments

  1. Of course Biden doesn’t want another debate. The guy doesn’t know where or who he is!

  2. Honestly trump seems the more disoriented between the two but to be fair both show some signs of senility. Also trumps niece has revealed he can no longer control his bowels.

  3. Amazing that either monster wants ANY debates.

    Which is more clueless and senile ??? — OUT of it

    — akin to nutcase Brit KG III in his olde age.

  4. White nationalist are solidly behind Donald Trump since he shares 100% of their ideology.

  5. “Also trumps niece has revealed he can no longer control his bowels.”

    It appears that the problem is at both ends, with the same substance coming out uncontrollably whenever he opens his mouth.

  6. None of that is surprising but how does he manage to also have that same substance emerge from the fingers on his incredibly small hands?

  7. I wonder if the 2A community will demand a pro-gun rights candidate be included and “escort” Jo Jorgensen to the stage and set up a podium for her. Unfortunately too many are FUDDs and have drunk the Trump gun-control kool-aid, but I can dream.

  8. “Did you see the new documentary about trump, called, white kkklansman?”

    Watching it on MSNBC right now. Apparently there is a medium sized gathering in Tulsa.

  9. Is MSNBC still making stuff up? They still employ caught liar Brian Williams. A real news organization would have fired him.

  10. Trump campaign is still making stuff up. They are making up fake reasons why they have a lot fewer Klan klucks at their Tulsa hate rally than they thought they would. They are blaming protesters but that is an obvious lie, as less than 200 protesters are not doing anything to impede any trumptards from getting inside. Instead they are choosing to stay home on their own.

    In other news 6 members of the trump hate team have tested positive for covid 19.

  11. The “many very fine people” gathered to defend confederate symbols and trump in Tulsa are gathered to send the message that to them black lives don’t matter. They support police brutality and fascism, which is why they hate antifascist and antiracist activity. Their other big issue is rounding up and deporting Nonwhite immigrants.

  12. A debate between Biden and Trump? That’s like watching a jammed printer debate a dialup internet tone.

  13. What about all of the immigrants Obama deported? Was it OK when he did it?

    The debates will be hilarious. Gaffs galore. My money would be on Creepy Joe having more of them.

  14. It wasn’t OK, but at least the Democrats realize it now. Trump only wants to escalate and makes it one of his top issues along with protecting police brutality. My money is that Trump will have a bowel accident on the debate stage.

  15. I see that BAN has become yet another commentariat cesspool. The country’s done folks. Fire all the cops. Let BLM assume power and resegregate the country. Seize all the guns and burn down all the rich folks property. I don’t know why Richard W. even bothers writing about third party petition lawsuits here any more – it’s obvious that democracy is a failure after morality and reason have been effectively destroyed in the minds of the vast majority of the under 40ish morons that inhabit our country…and vote. I refuse to accept that my inalienable rights will be decided by the mob that is called “democracy”.

  16. Lol at the trumptards fantasy about blm. Firing all the cops, however, would be a great start. Contrary to popular imagination they are not what stands between society and out of control crime. Professional police did not exist til the mid 19th century and started as fugitive slave patrols. In the interim that role hasn’t changed much, only become more subtle. It’s ironic indeed that anyone would seriously think it’s blm which is bringing segregation and violence to the country. This is the garbage actual segregationists like kkk Nazi trump are pumping into the aging brains of their mind numbed supporters through faux and onan news, Alex Jones, rush stinky cheese et tedious cetera.

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