On June 25, the Ohio Libertarian Party filed this brief in Libertarian Party of Ohio v Wilhem, 20-3585. This is the challenge to the Ohio law that does not permit members of any party, other than the two largest parties, from serving on the Ohio Elections Commission. The U.S. District Court had upheld the law.
NOOO Title of Nobility. 1-10-1
NEW Order of the Ages — see back of near dead USA 1 dollar bill.
NOO mention of paper money in 1787 DEAD USA Const –
see 1775-1783 HYPER-inflation with olde *bills of credit* — total econ chaos by 1780.
USA Army seized food, etc. in 1780-1781 to survive >>> lead to 5 Amdt Just Comp clause.
What does this have to do with titles of nobility and paper or plastic money?