
Kanye West Says He Will Run for President — 111 Comments

  1. It is getting late for getting on the ballot.

    I thought Kanye was a Trump supporter. I recall he was wearing MAGA hats at one time.

  2. Illinois lowered its statewide candidate deadline to 2,500 valid petition signatures, and they extended the deadline to July 27th (or sometime in late July). Brandon’s overall point is still valid.

    If Kanye was serious about running he should have started a lot earlier.

  3. Sounds like another Roseanne situation, but if the LP is unable to sue their way onto the ballot in PA, then I guess I’ll write in Kanye.

  4. A few Questions:

    1. Would the Libertarians or minor parties that have ballot access in at least one state be able to nominate Kanye West even if they already nominated a candidate? Would that candidate have to step down or could the respective political party replace them?

    2. How many states could Kayne West make the ballot as a independent? Which states is he too late to make it as an independent?

  5. The LP of PA still has a decent chance of making the ballot regardless of what the court does.

    No LP affiliate should nominate Kanye West because,, a) he has not demonstrated that he is a philosophical libertarian, b) he has never been a member of the Libertarian Party, and c) the LP has already nominated a candidate for President, Jo Jorgensen.

  6. Lord: On behalf of Greens, who convene this coming week I can say Hell NO.

  7. It’s a joke.

    The LP has half a joke ticket as it is (Cohen), and an SJW at the top of the ticket. They don’t need Kanye West,

  8. The April 2020 BAN is out-of-date. The July 1 2020 BAN has an updated chart. New York is now July 30.

  9. Could a write-in option work for the states that are past the deadline for being on the ballot?

  10. The l.p. Has nothing to do with it and neither do greens. Kanye is an attention whore with mental issues, like trump. He jumped on the trump train to get attention. Now he wants his own crazy train. I’ve read claims he has democratic party Pac funding but have not looked into it myself, so that could be bs. If that’s true, their idea would be to cut into the trumpster fire’s already meager black support because their own geriatric candidate who, like trump, has a problematic racial history, is not getting the job done.

    Like Roseanne and other mentally ill celebrity candidates it’s unlikely that kanye knows or cares much about ballot access deadlines or signature requirements or anything else. To the orange gasbag’s credit, he at least managed not to screw that part up.

    Since the only goal is to get attention he doesn’t actually have to be on the ballot in every state to do that. Last time Evan mcmuffin started really late and managed a moderate number of media interview and votes, and he was not even a celebrity. Roseanne managed to get a fair amount of attention for the tiny number of states she qualified in.

    Greens are nominating online this coming weekend. Their delegates are already prepledged so it’s no mystery what will happen. I doubt kanye will bother to call in, and if he does I doubt he’ll be allowed to speak. If by any chance he’s allowed to speak he still will have zero chance at the nomination.

    Libertarians already nominated and the ticket will not change, but are foolishly going ahead with plans for an in person plaguefest in Orlando, also this coming weekend. The initial hotel already cancelled on them in Orlando just last week, after government orders, hotel miscommunications and party incompetence combined to mess up the original plans for Austin in may.

    But despite the fever dreams of some here, the ratification of the libertarian presidential ticket nominated online instead of in Austin on memorial day weekend is just a formality to satisfy the bylaws fetish of some l.p. Members. There is zero practical chance of any changes on the ticket. There is however a nontrivial chance that further local or state government diktats will cause plaguefest Orlando to crater anyway after delegates have already started heading down there and in some cases arriving.

    If that happens, expect the libertarian bylaws fetish clique which can’t seem to take a hint to save their lives, literally, to make yet another try for an in person plaguefest in August, despite failing by that point three times and every other party either going virtual from jump or eventually coming to that conclusion. Despite that the patriarch clique wants to prove they can be even dumber than Trumpertarian republicans. Darwin’s law will award stupid prizes to libertarians playing stupid games, but unfortunately not only to them.

    And of course they will get plenty of negative media attention for this stupid stunt, which I guess is their goal. At least they had enough sense to begrudgingly allow remote participation. Even that was too much for the streaker and bylaws fetish clique so expect games to try to reverse that decision if plaguefest manages to convene. Those games will fail.

    However, whatever media derision they manage to cobble together will mostly be after the fact, not before. As such, it’s unlikely that kanye will consider it a big enough blip on the radar to bless the gathering of the morons with his presence . But there’s a mild to moderate chance he might, after all, where else would he get more attention next weekend, north Korea?

    Rest assured that with or without kanye Kardashian in attendance, plaguefest attendees won’t be dumb enough to change their ticket after it has already been nominated. Even if plaguefest attendees were that dumb, and they’re not quite that dumb, there are enough relatively more level headed party members attending remotely to prevent anything like that from happening. That won’t prevent nut jobs and attention whores, possibly included Mr west, from trying to milk publicity from the theoretical possibility but as a practical matter that will go nowhere.

    Like the greens, the libertarians have already nominated for practical purposes , with next weekend’s formal votes being that and only that. Of the two, only the libertarian potential superspreader event is even mildly likely to be on kanyes radar to try to upstage.

    Going further down the minor party dustbin, the constitutionists have managed to utterly screw themselves by nominating a multimillionaire excon coal Baron with a long history of safety violations leading to deaths of workers in his mines and open racism that even the idiot on chief who thinks many fine people marched alongside people carrying Nazi flags couldn’t stomach being associated with. If the constitution party geniuses thought being rich would cause Blankenship to open up his checkbook and save their party from swirling the rest of the way down the drain, it backfired on them. Not only is he not writing any checks to speak of, but he’s causing an increasing number of their few remaining state chapters to disaffiliate and/or place other candidates on the ballot instead of him.

    Another rich, but completely not celebrity, oddball candidate, rocky de la fuente, appears to be on track for much fewer ballot lines than last time around, and the lubertarians and greens may fall short of their number of ballot lines from their 2016 tickets as well. Despite or perhaps because of both nominating geriatric rapists with worsening dementia, the democrats and republicans will do even better at turning their respective lemmings and sheep out and keeping them from standing up on their hind legs and making any other choice than usual.

    Kanye can bank on getting a decent amount of whatever attention protest candidates manage to get in the year of our plagues 2020 without having a tremendous number of ballot lines or working very hard, especially if the allegation that he has probiden dark money behind him is true . Maybe even the lion’s share of any such attention.

    Will he bother to make the shit show at plaguefest even shittier, or even less likely, call into the green meeting next weekend? Stay tuned. Whether he does or not, their tickets will remain Jorgensen Cohen and Hawkins walker respectively. You can take that to the bank. Neither will do as well as their party’s nominees in 2016, or probably even 2012. Despite nonsense above, Jorgensens problem is the opposite of being a sjw and her VP is actually carrying the ticket on his back.

  11. He should join forces with fellow bombastic singer Kid Rock who made a similar disingenuous announcement about running for US Senate a few years back.

  12. Kanye West is not running. It’s a joke, and Richard Winger posting it is sad. If I say I am running for President with no paperwork or ballot access or petitions, will he post that too?

    Normally I support third party candidates, but the four mentioned here have major flaws. What states have the Prohibition guy on the ballot? Might go that way just because.

  13. If I didn’t post it, people would think I didn’t know about it. It is all the major media and also other specialized media such as ElectionLawBlog and Political Wire.

  14. When it turns out to be a joke, will you post that too? Will you admit you were fooled?

  15. Is it just me, or does anyone else here think that Ban ban ban demo rep sounds like Paul?

  16. Perhaps Mr. West is angling for President Trump to dump Vice President Pence in favor of him. Hmmm…

  17. I call Winger a hypocrite and he deletes it. He believes in censorship and fake journalism. He is spreading the lie about Kanye West.

  18. I don’t think he’s even filed for an exploratory committee much less a campaign committee. Am I correct in thinking he can’t even start to petition (assuming paid) until that is taken care of?

  19. Of course he hasn’t filed because he isn’t running. Winger is spreading false information. I doubt he will say a word when it turns out I am right.

  20. People can run for federal office without filing with the FEC. The law says people need file with the FEC only after they have either raised or spent $5,000 on their federal campaign.

    I have not reported that he is running. I have only reported that he has said he is running.

  21. I am running too. I haven’t filed either. Where is my article and free PR?

  22. @JS, get mentioned in the media and have full articles written about you and I’m sure Richard will include you too

  23. I think it is a publicity stunt, too. At the end of it, he will say that he is running in 20204.

    Butttttt, let’s have some fun for a minute and play ball. If Kanye really wanted to have as serious of a run as possible, he would run for the Green Party nomination and agree to have Hawkins as his VP. Hawkins would get the benefit of being with a major name in our culture and the Greens would get tons of coverage. Kanye would also get many ballot lines.

  24. Commenters need to stop bashing Richard Winger. He is just forwarding news that has already been reported elsewhere. He has put a huge amount of his life into supporting ballot access reform and the third party movement. Many of us appreciate his efforts.

  25. “I think it is a publicity stunt, too. At the end of it, he will say that he is running in 20204.”

    That would be pretty cool if he lives that long. He should declare for that year now. I realize you must have just made a typo but I say he should go with that.

    The Greens. as I explained earlier, are not going to be open to considering Kanye.

  26. “Commenters need to stop bashing Richard Winger. He is just forwarding news that has already been reported elsewhere. He has put a huge amount of his life into supporting ballot access reform and the third party movement. Many of us appreciate his efforts.”


  27. Richard Winger is a beautiful, wonderful soul and anyone who feels differently can go sit on a cactus.

  28. What did the cactus ever do to you for you to say that. Liberty Green?

  29. ‘“Commenters need to stop bashing Richard Winger. He is just forwarding news that has already been reported elsewhere. He has put a huge amount of his life into supporting ballot access reform and the third party movement. Many of us appreciate his efforts.”



  30. Ban Demo Rep, what if Kanye was able to convince Hawkins to drop his own presidential bid and join him as his runningmate? I don’t think this will happen, but if it did, wouldn’t he indeed have a chance at the nomination?

  31. this is an important story as if highlights the unfair ballot acess in the states. it does not matter if Kanye is a serious candidate or not it is worth highlighting for that reason.

  32. Thanks to Richard Winger for reporting the announcement. Part of the mission being to bring us information on alternative campaigns, this is election news. And looking at how many comments there are, the story has generated a lot of interest here.

    I noticed more than a year ago that somebody called “Kanye Deez Nuts West” registered with the FEC to run for President as a Green this year. Back in 2015, he registered to run as a Green in 2020. Deez Nuts is or was the stage name of a satirist, who is a different person than Kanye West; I don’t know who filed to run for President under that name.

    I’m a Green, and a longtime Party man. I want my Party to gain any possible benefits from higher vote count. But I won’t vote for Kanye West or Howie Hawkins. Looking at those two and Trump/Biden, this must be the year of the ‘crazy-talking dumb guy’ candidate.

    The conventional wisdom for analyzing Left and Right has gotten shuffled.

    Under Biden & Obama, the Democrats had gone so far Right that the stage was set for Trump. Then Trump went so far Right, and has such a big TV presence, that he could again win lots of votes from Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Independents, and people in the other Right-wing Parties, all depending on how the crisis goes.

    The Constitution Party has gone much farther Right this time, and so has the Prohibition Party. Biden and Hawkins are attacking Trump from the Right with their Russiagate McCarthyism.

    Biden’s also further Right than Trump on North Korea: When he was in office, the Obama Military conducted very provocative War Games in North Korean territorial waters, causing the first death in the Korean War in many years.

    It looks like Biden is getting lots of Republican support too, even though Right-wing Propaganda frequently tells us that the Democrats are on the Left. I guess a Left-wing Democrat is one who wants a limited Nuclear Strike against Russia, instead of Mutually Assured Destruction.

    The only Party I see moving Leftward is the Libertarian Party. Some Right-leaning Libertarian voters deserted for Trump or Biden, leaving a different dynamic, and an Anarchist VP nominee. Jorgensen said she wants to get the US off Fossil Fuels. Lots of Libertarians & others want to do that with Carbon-Neutral Hempen Fuels, but she wants to do it with Nukes, like ex-NASA scientist James Hanson and the Whole Earth Catalog guy.

    I know there are developments among the Centrist Parties, but what about the true Left: Environmental and Cannabis Hemp-advocating Parties and Socialists? Are any of them (besides the GPUS) likely to be on the ballot in more than three or four states?

  33. Remember that the late, great Libertarian, Dr. Marc Allan Feldman, predicted that Kanye West was going to run for President. He made this prediction back in 2015 or 2016. People laughed at him at the time for saying this. The passage of time has proven him to have been right.

    I recall that Dr. Feldman offered to be Kanye’s VP running mate. This obviously can’t happen now since Dr. Feldman unfortunately passed away in June of 2016, just a few weeks after he lost the race for the LP’s presidential nomination for 2016, but he did leave a mark by impressing everyone who watched the 2016 Libertarian National Convention with his “I’m That Libertarian” speech.

  34. Richard Winger should let someone else run this page if he is going to post information about fake candidates. He’s no better than Milnes and Ogle.

  35. Ogle’s a whackjob spammer, but at least to my knowledge he actually filed and was on the ballot in some (non binding) primaries.

  36. Green convention this week.
    The powers that be have the fix in for Howie.
    No Bob Milnes. No PLAS. No win.
    Hold you nose an pick Biden or Trump.
    BTW, Kanye makes a good diversion
    so we won’t notice the powers that be
    Got the election…AGAIN.

  37. I don’t know if Kanye intends to follow through in any official way, but I expect to live to see the day Kim runs for something and wins.

  38. Andy,
    yes I do remember Dr. Marc Feldman.
    I wrote about how suspicious I thought his “death” was,
    just like I thought David Nolan’s “death” was suspicious.

  39. Ted paulie,
    What does Richard running this site have to do with Milnes and Ogle?
    Please restrain any association between me and J. O. Ogle.
    Thank you.

  40. I have extremely little to do with J.O. Ogle.
    However, his reported girlfriend, Tiffany Briscoe, I did have something to do with in late 2011 involving the BTP Boston Tea Party.

  41. I see this as a huge potential positive. Although I am leaning towards supporting Jo Jorgensen, people voting for Kanye West would be a giant middle finger to the duopoly. In states where he cannot get ballot access, I see a huge potential for write-in votes. In 2010 Lisa Murkowski won the Alaska Senate seat with write-in votes. You could say she was the exception because she was the incumbent and she was had huge name recognition in Alaska however Kanye West has enough name recognition to get several write-in votes. Do I believe Kanye West is a good candidate and should be president? Of course not. However voting for him would expose that the two-party system is a joke. If they are going to play the joke on us, people can vote for their own joke candidate. So while I wish that he would support one of the third party candidates and give it publicity instead of his own candidacy, I see this as having a positive impact.

  42. Green delegates.
    Takeover the convention.
    Adopt PLAS.
    Nominate a fusion ticket.
    Go on to win the election in a close three way plurality approximately

  43. This is a deliberate distraction from Ghislaine Maxwell’s arrest. Pay no heed.

  44. A.J.
    Could Be.
    Or it could be a distraction from Greens about to fall into the trap set by the powers that be to nominate a losing ticket instead of a wining fusion ticket.

  45. A.J.,
    Initials reversed of Justice Apash. J.A.
    paulie again?
    Apash comment appears exactly verbatim in IPR.
    So Kanye run is to add further chaos to the 2020 election.
    To suppress PLAS and insure Howie loser ticket gets nominated.

  46. Years ago I knew of a lady whose name was pronounced “Jiss Lane”.
    Now everyone is saying “Ji Lane”
    It is evidently French.
    Anyone know the correct pronunciation?

  47. Hey Socratic Gadfly,
    Do you or do you not, support PLAS?
    Do you understand PLAS?
    Have you ever heard of PLAS?
    Did you know PLAS has its own dedicated thread in IPR?
    Richard, how about you?
    Do you support PLAS?

  48. urbandictionary

    An adjective used to describe someone who’s ‘smalltime'(1), someone who’s small in stature(2) …

    A venereal wart at the tip of your penis.

    A bisexual person who is super done with life. And is so done with people that has convinced themself that they are asexual.
    Person #1 “Hey, do you wanna go on a date?”
    Person #2 “Nah I’m a Paulie right now”

  49. It’s kind of pointless for me to deny being him since you don’t believe me, and as much as he trolls under so many fake names I don’t blame you. I’ll deny it anyway just for the record, and I hate him as much as you do. I really wish he would just disappear, permanently. And take all his fake personalities with him.

    I think if it was not for that fat pig turd you would probably already be potus and well on your way to solving the country’s and worlds problems, or have done it already. If we can just get rid of him everything would be so much better.

  50. One of them at least is probably actually Pauli, but I don’t know which one . Maybe both of them are Pauli?

  51. Well, it is not too late for PLAS.
    If the Green delegates take over the convention and vote to adopt PLAS,
    that could change everything, including the juggernaut nomination of Howie Fix In Hawkins.

  52. Hey how about this?
    All the gang come here to comment about whether the Greens throw the election/nominate Howie or adopt PLAS?
    Come on, Socratic Gadfly New Federalist, Tom Knapp, Richard,
    Hey remember Jeremy Young?
    Saturday the 11th. D-Day for the GP.
    Come on, everybody.
    Let’s watch and comment in real time while the GP goes over the cliff like a bunch of lemmings!
    Fun Times at BAN!

  53. Everybody read William Saturn’s just posted article about Spike Cohen interview in the Saturnalian.
    Spike talks about getting 15% polling and into the debates an on to victory! LOL!

  54. There’s no way I see Jo and Spike getting into the big debates with the D’s and R’s.

  55. I do not think Howie is goofy enough to talk about getting into the debates and winning.
    But I talk openly about a PLAS ticket getting 15% polling and into the debates and eventually to a close three way plurality victory 42/29/29.
    So everybody here is a clear opportunity to call Bob Milnes goofy or insane!
    Or use Professor Phillies term “crackpot”!

  56. Sorry. My bad.
    Saturn’s article about Spike is on his Saturns Repository.
    Hey, maybe William will come and tell us who in Hell he is or show us a picture!

  57. I am not schizo and neither am I!
    Coincidentally I am the same.
    Maybe I’m you? How could we tell?

  58. Eerie, isn’t it? Almost like he time traveled. Either that or they come from the same tribe.

  59. Despise paulie, Adore PLAS,
    interesting you, paulie, taking credit for my failure to get traction with PLAS.
    And your associated self loathing.
    I would be careful if I were you. That train of thought-self loathing- evidently was a big part of Schmoyer committing murder/suicide.
    Why don’t you publicly apologize and begin the New Exodus-from Palestine and America to Sinai?
    I would accept such an apology.

  60. Interestimg comments at IPR on Libertarian Convention thread.
    Kris Lesiak admitting “addiction” to Daily Stormer.
    paulie making the connection of the left and Neo Nazis-anti Zionism.
    That was in the Jo Jorgensen boogaloo thread.
    Evidently she got caught on the podcast with her panties down, not realizing about boogaloo.

  61. And a reference to Andy Jacobs whining about problems getting female attention.
    Somebody should tell Andy about the InCel movement.
    Involuntary Celibacy.

  62. That is a complete lie. I NEVER posted any comments like that. Those comments were posted by Chuck Moulton. Whoever claimed they were posted by me is either mistaken, or they are lying.

    I have never said anything like that in my life.

  63. Robert, Do you think we could help give pauli enough courage to finally kill himself? Maybe if we all pitch in and help? Maybe an assist? LOL Satan awaits

  64. well he pulled out after seeing the requirements to get on the ballot in florida and seeing some states impossible. a perfect ballot acess news story. ballot acess is a worse problem than unfair voting, systems campaing finace or even media acess as if your struggling to get on the ballot then your not even at a stage where if the race is fair even matters.

  65. Nutcase dropped out but as anyone with any sense knew he was never really running to begin with.

  66. Kanye West officially qualified to be on the OK ballot as an independent today.

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