Texas Republican Party Will Hold an Electronic State Convention

On the evening of July 13, the Texas Republican Party decided to hold an electronic state convention, instead of an in-person convention. This only happened because the party lost its lawsuit in the Texas Supreme Court earlier on the same day. See this story.


Texas Republican Party Will Hold an Electronic State Convention — 6 Comments

  1. I’m still disappointed we can’t see the ball-less Strangeabbott and Danny Goeb speaking virtually to an in-person convention.

  2. Part of me is looking forward to the day these bozo’s loose ballot access, although the better part of me says be fair to everyone the other part says turnabout is fair play.

  3. Was last USA courthouse liberated in TX in 1866 ??? —

    from the EVIL forces of slavery.

    USA Army/Navy in TX in 1866 to also watch Napoleon III French Empire machinations in Mexico ???

  4. At least they did not go for being outdoors like the idiots in Jacksonville. Too bad, as it would have been fitting to see Zeus pee on them as well.

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