U.S. District Court Cuts Virginia Signatures for Minor Party and Independent Candidates

On July 15, U.S. District Court Judge John A. Gibney, Jr., an Obama appointee, cut the number of signatures for minor party and independent candidates in Virginia for federal office (there are no state offices up in Virginia in 2020). The presidential petition is now 2,500 signatures. The U.S. Senate petition is now 3,500 signatures. The U.S. House requirement is 350 signatures. Constitution Party of Virginia v Virginia State Board of Elections, 3:20cv-349. Without this relief, president would have been 5,000; U.S. Senate 10,000; U.S. House 1,000.

Here is the opinion. The relief only extends to the plaintiffs, which are the Libertarian, Green, Constitution, and Independent Green Parties and their plaintiff-candidates.

The presidential petition remains the same, August 21. The new deadline for congressional candidates is August 1, at 7 p.m. That is a Saturday. The old deadline was in June. Thanks to Tina Rockett for this news.


U.S. District Court Cuts Virginia Signatures for Minor Party and Independent Candidates — 14 Comments

  1. How LAWLESS Covid-19 JUDICIAL legislation ops so far in 2020 ???

    How DEAD are the USA and ALL 50 State Consts — esp due to SCOTUS robot party HACKS ???

  2. Well, the Virginia Constitution Party now has more time to petition for their own candidate rather than Don Blankenship who has completely abandoned his campaign.

  3. Actually, I should have said they have a better chance now since the time remains the same.

  4. But does it? If it’s designd for independents instead of just minor parties, shouldn’t it apply to any independent? The plaintiffs were all recognized parties.

  5. There are no qualified parties in Virginia except for the Republican and Democratic Parties. The last third party in Virginia that was ballot-qualified was the Reform Party, which went on in November 1994 and went off in November 1997.

  6. We need to keep Biden and the Marxist democrats out of Virginia. If they somehow manage to steal the election from president Trump we need to rise up again like I’m 1861 and defend our freedom.

  7. I meant to say, “Nice” above, but “Mice” is actually a good description of trolls. Rat is even better.

  8. I wouldn’t wish those on anyone. Not even trolls like Andy and Demo Rep.

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